Global Persecution

Clive Calver
Ruth Calver

Dr. Calver and his wife Ruth have visited with many Christians who regularly face intense persecution for their faith, and instead of being defeated by it, find these Christians are more passionate about sharing their faith and their churches often flourish. Conversely Dr. Calver says a long-term absence of persecution often demonstrates that a church has sold out. While God never promises a lack of suffering, He does promise His presence in the midst of it, and uses the pain to make us into what we should be, closer to Him and more useful to Him.\r\n

Why Weakness Is Your Greatest Strength

Eric Mason
2 Corinthians 4:7-12

In our culture, weakness is often either kept hidden from others or it is used to garner sympathy--in both cases to feed one's ego. But Paul says our weaknesses are not only not a hindrance to God using us, but in fact are the key to us understanding how to bring God's power, and not our own, into our walk with God. Paul says that God has put His power in us, but releases it through the pressure of suffering. Our suffering though can sharpen our understanding of God if we seek Him in trials, and we can trust that He is using it to help us look more and more like Jesus.

God's Comfort

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 1:1-11

The word translated "comfort" in our Bibles has a stronger meaning than we commonly use. It means to strengthen, fortify, encourage in the midst of adversity. God's comfort is an expression of His character. He is not distant nor aloof, but full of mercy and compassion. God's comfort is available for and fully adequate for all kinds of suffering. Receiving God's comfort enables us to give His comfort to others. We experience God's comfort as we patiently trust Him in our suffering. Suffering can displace self-reliance and lead to deeper confidence in God's future faithfulness.

The Beneficial Results of Justification

Ben Foust
Romans 5:1-11

When we ask God to forgive our sins because of the work Jesus did on the cross, we are justified by faith. If the forgiveness of our sins was all we received at that moment, it would be more than enough! But justification is only the beginning of the many blessings God pours out upon us. He get peace with God, not just an end to hostility, but true reconciliation. We get the hope of future glory and so much more!

The Joy and Pain of Close Relationships

James Rochford
2 Timothy 4:9-18

Near the end of his life, Paul reflects upon the joys and pains of close relationships. He recounts the pain of betrayal of former friends and the joy of faithful friends. Loving this present world instead of our future eternal home, is often what leads friends to desert their walk with the Lord and their friends in the Body. We are not destined to become one of these types of friends. We get to choose what sort of friend we will be.

Paul's Final Admonition

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 4:1-5

Paul, in his final admonition to Timothy just before his execution, strongly encourages him to preach the Word. He implies God has a plan for Timothy when he exhorts him to complete the ministry God had given him. It also implies that following the plan God has designed for us is optional. It is up to us to choose to follow it.

Responding to Soft Persecution

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Peter 3:14-4:19

Peter writes to his readers who are experiencing soft persecution such as suspicion, slander and reviling. He wants them to not be surprised by it, but to expect it. He doesn't want them to feel ashamed but to rejoice in their sharing in the suffering of Christ. And by all means do not do anything to deserve the persecution but keep doing good in spite of it.

Guarding Against Deception

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 3:5-14

Paul warns against false teachers and deceivers that prey on vulnerable members of the community. Paul then calls on the believers to know the Lord's teachings, and to endure through persecution.

Stick with Scripture

Scott Risley
2 Timothy 3:6-17

Paul reminds Timothy that it is normal that Christians will suffer in this life, but we can take the long view knowing that Scripture gives us the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Both Jesus and Paul taught that Scripture is inspired by God. False teachers on the other hand make up all kinds of strange and foolish ideas. God empowers Christians who stick with Scripture.