Treasure in Earthen Vessels

Mike Sullivan
2 Corinthians 4:7-18

God allows us to experience suffering to break down our self-reliance and let more of His aroma out. This process of Christ being formed in us occurs as we die to self and live for Christ. God sustains us with His power and He enables us to have greater spiritual impact on others.

God's Wisdom and Trials

Gary DeLashmutt
James 1:1-12

James addresses the Galatian's drifting into worldly attitudes and behaviors. As they were experiencing legitimate trials and suffering, James calls them to have the proper perspective toward their difficulties. Trials are not random or retribution from God, but they are God's Trainer to develop spiritual fitness and strength. Our ultimate destination matters far more than our comfort along the way.

Four Keys to Spiritual Progress

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 5:3

While receiving Christ is an end to works-righteousness and alienation from God, it is the beginning of growth toward spiritual maturity. Four keys to spiritual maturity are allowing suffering to play a role, rejecting all forms of perfectionism, keep moving forward, and observing and imitating more mature Christians.

Focusing on the Next Life Encourages Us in this Life

Ryan Weingartner
2 Corinthians 4:16-5:10

God promises that suffering in this life will bear fruit in this life as well as the life to come. We can be encouraged by this because we know that whatever we endure is nothing in comparison to the glory to be revealed in the next life. If we fix our eyes on the unseen realities to come, we can bear up under the sufferings this world has to offer.

Revealing the Mystery

Scott Risley
Ephesians 3:1-11

God hid His plan of redemption until He revealed His Son,Jesus, to the world. He kept His plan hidden from all the spiritual forces so that Satan would be fooled into cooperating with His plan. Jesus dying on the cross was not a defeat but God's victory over sin. God's solution solved the problem of the penalty for sin, and any accusations against God's character. He is both loving and just. God can be trusted!

Spiritual Risiliency

Chris Risley
Ephesians 3:1-11

Scripture describes the Christian life as a race and a battle. In order to finish well, we must acquire spiritual toughness and resiliency. This workshop will include practical steps on developing your spiritual fortitude as well as discovering the connection between standing firm (toughness) and humility.

How to Struggle Victoriously

John Ross
Ephesians 3:1-11

Every leader will face tough seasons when ministry slows, familiar methods don't work, and confusion hangs like a fog. This guided discussion will help Christian workers avoid panic and move forward creatively and under God's grace.

What Is and Is Not Trauma

Greg Schad
Ephesians 3:1-11

Trauma is an important topic these days that many have experienced. We know that the Enemy wants to confuse us - especially in our pain. This session will take a look at the distinctions of trauma and help us gain clarity. We will also explore paths to healing and resiliency.

The Price of Leadership

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 3:1-11

What is a leader? In the Bible, it's usually a person who regularly says "yes" to God, inspiring others to follow in their shoes. The Bible makes it clear that saying "yes" to God may bring great suffering, but it will also bring opportunities to live a meaningful, purposeful, and constructive life. The first "yes" is accepting God's offer of forgiveness and eternal life. Given the suffering involved, why should we consider pursuing this kind of leadership? Because it is the best expression of love for God.