God's Ways Always Triumph in the End

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 3:8-4:2

The idea that God blesses those who are righteous and punishes those who are wicked is challenged by our observations about the world around us. In an eternal sense, those who trust in Christ will ultimately win out. Though Christians may suffer in this life, they have the opportunity to share God's love with with confidence that it is worth it in the end.

Is Jesus Worth it?

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 1:23-2:12

Jesus is a polarizing figure. Following Him sometimes requires giving up time, comfort, or worldly success. Many ask, "Is it worth it?" The answer to this question is resolved when we consider that Jesus provides meaning, hope, and community to those who follow him.

Join with Me in Suffering for the Gospel

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 1:8-14

Paul advocates that Timothy follow his example and suffer for the sake of the gospel. The basis for us living radically and suffering for the sake of God comes from the immense calling He has given us through the gospel. Christians have eternal work that has been set apart for them since eternity past and has come to fruition through Jesus Christ, which we are to live out with a focus on God's truth.

Waiting on God

Chris Hearty
2 Samuel 23:13-17

In David's psalm he shares his longing to dwell with the Lord forever. David models spiritual confidence in the face of adversity and human opposition. He expresses God's trustworthiness and encourages the assembly to endure in waiting on the Lord.

Suffering in Perspective

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 1:3-12

Christians are given an eternal hope that is in stark contrast to the cynicism of modern-day culture. Perseverance through pain, suffering, and trials requires confidence in this living hope. The result of suffering victoriously through trials is a purified and strengthened faith.

The Righteous Sufferer

Dennis McCallum
Isaiah 53:5-56

A remarkable, messianic psalm predicting Jesus' experience on the cross. Written over 1,000 years before His crucifixion, this psalm was known and sung by the Jews. When Jesus cried out on the cross, ?My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?,? He was trying to get their attention that this prophetic psalm was being fulfilled. This is incredible evidence for the Christian faith -- will you pay attention to His death on the cross?

Cries of Anguish

Conrad Hilario
Mark 15:33-36

My God, my God; why have you forsaken me? Why were these words spoken by Christ on the cross? Christ experiences separation from the Father in order to pay for the sins of the world. This Psalm details the event of the Messiah's death at the hands of His enemies.

Power In Weakness

Mike Sullivan
1 Corinthians 1:26-29

Many hold the view that weakness interferes with our service to God. But according to the Bible, spiritual power is found in weakness. Adverse circumstances can actually turn out to be opportunities to experience God's power. Honesty concerning weakness protects us from two pitfalls that can prevent us from receiving spiritual power: self-exaltation and self-sufficiency.

Hope through Despair

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 7:15-8:4

In normal life, hope and despair are antithetical. But the path to true hope in God comes through a process of suffering that causes us to despair in ourselves and to trust in God. This principle of despair leading to hope is operative both in the way we come to Christ and in the way we reach maturity in Him.