Running the Race

Conrad Hilario
Colossians 1:28-29

God has given each Christian a unique role in His plan to reach those who do not know Him, and the author of Hebrews compares this plan to an individual endurance race that each person is running. While the race might be tiring and difficult, Christians are to resist the temptation to quit by fixing their eyes on Jesus, the forerunner who empathizes with Christians in their suffering. During this race, God disciplines Christians to refine their character and prove His love for them, and we can experience the benefits of God's discipline if we are willing to submit to it.

Who is This Man?

Jim Leffel
Luke 9:18-27

Herod the Tetrarch seeks to know the identity of Jesus. Jesus asks his disciples, ?Who do you say that I am?? Peter acknowledges Jesus' mission and identity as the Messiah sent by God. Jesus reveals to the disciples that he will suffer terrible things, be put to death, and then be raised from the dead on the third day. Jesus describes how his followers must suffer: take up their cross daily, entrust their lives to him, and be unashamed of his message.

And The Other's Too

Dennis McCallum
Judges 7:1-25

Moving on from the Patriarchs, the author of Hebrews lists many more examples of faith. Joshua in Jericho, Rahab and the spies, Gideon, and many more. All these people were messy and sinful and many of them experienced persecution, suffering, and pain, but they chose to persevere in faith and were used by God in spite of their weakness. God's plan is not over, we are also a part of this plan! He can work through anyone and in all things. \r\n

The Patriarchs

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 37:3-45:11

Joseph was a man whose life was characterized by both immense success and intense suffering. Despite the constantly changing circumstances of his life, he maintained his faith in God and adopted a godly perspective on his trials. Joseph's story serves as an example of how God can redeem even the worst circumstances to His glory and our benefit.

The "Patriarchs"

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 37:2-45:28

The story of Joseph, a beloved son of Jacob who is betrayed and sold into slavery by his brothers, is a story of forgiveness and redemption. Through over a decade of further betrayal, suffering, and despair God continually works and brings him into a position of power as the right hand man of Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt. Joseph's brothers come to Egypt during a famine to buy grain and find the brother they had betrayed. Joseph forgives his brothers and is finally reunited with his father. Over and over in Joseph's life, God proves his amazing power to bring about good in spite of evil.\r\n

The Mystery of Christ

Ben Foust
Ephesians 3:1-13

The author Paul encourages the Ephesians not to lose heart despite circumstances. He ruminates on his own circumstances (being imprisoned) and emphasizes his confidence in God's plan. The teaching focuses on the fulfilled mystery of Christ and how God's plan has been consistent from the beginning; this can assure us of God's purpose despite our circumstances.

Sermon on the Plain: An Invitation to Discipleship (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Luke 6:17-49

God wants to give us real satisfaction and security, which material wealth cannot provide. Wealth brings the danger of emptiness, false security, and numbing our need for God. The poor and those in suffering are blessed because they are often able to see their need for Christ and what He provides. Rather than relying on acceptance from other people, our lives can shape their opinions about God.

Saying "No" to God

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 3:1-19

The book of Hebrews was written to Jewish believers struggling with disbelief and persecution. The author compared their struggles with the challenges the Israelites faced when Moses led them. The Israelites also struggled with disbelief concerning God's power and provision. They ended up saying ?no? when God called them to enter the promised land. When we undergo persecution we may also be tempted to say no to what God is calling us to do.

6 Principles for Suffering

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 4:7-19

All people experience suffering in this life that threatens to overwhelm us. Fortunately, the Bible speaks of the incredible opportunity that suffering brings for a Christian. In order to persevere through this suffering, we must: 1) remember God's plan; 2) be sober-minded; 3) be prayerful; 4) love others; 5) not be surprised and 6) trust God's faithfulness.