The Gospel Goes to Rome

James Rochford
Acts 27:1-28:31

Luke details Paul's journey to Rome. Paul trusted God and proclaimed His goodness despite the many hardships he faced on his way to Rome. Upon arriving, Paul gave his defense to the Jewish leaders and Caesar trying to persuade them about Jesus. He continued to teach the Word with boldness and without hindrance.

Paul on Trial

Dennis McCallum
Acts 23:1-26:32

Paul is taken to Caesarea to stand trial before the Roma governor. Paul is imprisoned in Caesarea for two years but given enough freedom to allow friends to visit and provide for his needs, which allows Luke to write Acts, and Paul to write the prison epistles. Paul gives the gospel message each time he is brought before the court to respond to charges.

Return to Jerusalem

James Rochford
Acts 21:1-23:11

Summary\r\nPaul goes to Jerusalem and is put on trial where he gives a defense for believing and teaching the message of Jesus. While Paul is in the middle of God's will he experiences suffering. Following Christ includes uncertainty, fear, rejection, and maybe personal harm.

Life out of Death

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 4:15-16

During a Jewish feast, many Greeks seeking spiritual insight come to see Jesus. Jesus gives the illustration of a seed falling into the ground and dying to bear fruit; teaching the principle of life-out-of-death. He applies this principle in 3 ways: 1) out of Jesus' death we receive eternal life; 2) as we die to self and sacrifice our fleshly desires, we gain a deeper spiritual life;3) our ongoing death to self brings life to others.

The Second Journey - Part 1: To Philippi

Scott Risley
Philippians 4:11-13

Paul makes his journey to Philippi with his fellow worker, Silas. They are met with hostility and beaten by city officials after cleansing a girl of a spirit. God uses their reactions to this and their suffering to advance the Gospel in Philippi. Steps the Holy Spirit is calling on believers to take for the advancement of the Gospel are discussed.

God's Strategy in Human History Part 2

Conrad Hilario
Deuteronomy 18:9-11

Keep your eyes peeled for the person of peace. We are engaged in a fierce spiritual battle and we must maintain an attitude of joy and hope. God can use even the worst circumstances or suffering for His purpose.

The Fiery Furnace

Ryan Lowery
Daniel 3:1-30

Shadrach, Meshach and Abendego, three Jewish boys exiled in Babylon, show bravery by demonstrating a willingness to suffer in order to remain loyal to the true God of the Bible. Their worldview is put to the test when King Nebuchadnezzar's gold statue is commanded to be worshiped. They took a stand on God's word, refusing to be subservient to the culture that believed in many gods. And God rescued them from death.

God and Grace

James Rochford
Acts 9:1-27

The conversion of Saul to Paul is one of the clearest pictures of God's radical grace. After his conversion we see another picture of what it looks like to serve God under grace. Because of God's grace, this man went from seeking to imprison followers of Jesus to being one of Jesus' biggest influencers. Paul's life shows that God's grace is for anyone willing to accept it.

Persecution and Division

James Rochford
Acts 5:14-6:7

Crisis, perseverance, and growth is the pattern seen in the early church. Philip and Stephen along with the other apostles experience external and internal attack through persecution and division. With God, they are able to overcome these. God doesn't grow His church despite crises, but actually through them.