Discipline with Grace

Bev DeLashmutt

The goal of biblical discipline when raising children is instruction that trains the child to reach his or her full development. Our children will not fully develop without discipline. Unfortunately, discipline often involves some form of pain. Pain itself is not the problem; the problem is pain without hope. We should not shy away from discipline because we have hope it will produce proven character. Children do not feel loved if not disciplined. The goal of discipline is to teach our children to be obedient, God-dependent, grateful givers.

3 Responses to Jesus

Ryan Lowery
Romans 5:8-10

There were many expectations that people had for who Jesus should be. Jesus preached that the solution to a broken relationship with God is not a behavior change but a transformed heart: this polarized the crowds listening to his teachings. When we are desperate, we turn to prayer as a last resort. We can try to bargain with God to get what we want. The Pharisees were indignant that Jesus was not meeting their expectations. Jesus taught that spiritual matters are far more important than the physical: they will last into eternity. \r\n

Fighting the Good Fight

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Timothy 4:7

In Paul's letters to Timothy, God reveals the keys to fulfilling His purposes in your life; following God with your whole life is like a race or a fight. It won't be easy and you have to continue to remember it can only be done with God as your trainer. There are four keys laid out in these letters: 1) heed the gifting and calling that God gave you; 2) keep a good conscience; 3) cultivate an eternal perspective; and 4) learn endurance from the trials in your life.

Hope Amidst Hardship: The Life of Joseph

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 37:3-45:11

Joseph lived a life a great suffering. He was sold into slavery by his family, was jailed and displaced from his home. This story is about how God can take even the most difficult of circumstances and redeem it for the good.

Two Ways to Respond to Suffering

Scott Risley
Genesis 34:1-41:46

Joseph was Jacob's favorite son. This caused great envy from Joseph's other brothers. His brothers decided to take matters into their own hands and sold Joseph into slavery. We see different ways to respond to suffering illustrated.

God's Promise to Abram

Scott Risley
Joshua 24:2

God promises to Abram that he will make him into a great nation, all Abram needed to do was put his trust in God. Abram wavered between trusting God and making his own path in life. God kept coming through for Abram, as Abram saw this he decided to trust God more and more.

Enlarging your Heart through God's Word

Bev DeLashmutt
Psalms 119:32

Through the Psalmist we learn that while his condition is full of suffering, pain, and persecution he draws near to God through God's word. God wants to enlarge our hearts with His word. The outcome is determined by what we affirm, ask for, hope in, and obey. Pain, suffering, sin, and failure can shrink our hearts. A growing heart acknowledges circumstances but affirms God's truth. Live in the reality of pain and suffering but land on the reality of what God's word says about it.\r\n

Living with Pain: How God's Word can Change your Outlook

Amy Moreno
Genesis 50:20

Pain is a universal truth, yet one that still catches us off guard. However, as Christians, we are able to shift our focus from the pain itself to trusting God with our lives. This requires examining and changing our expectations and our perspective on pain, putting our hope in the Lord, and learning to see and open ourselves up to the joy God gives us even in the midst of suffering.

The Final Road to Rome

Scott Risley
Acts 27:1-28:31

In the last chapters of Acts, we see Paul on his journey to Rome encounter a storm that blows his ship off course and threatens all lives on board. Paul takes this chance to demonstrate spiritual leadership in the face of a difficult situation. Paul is met with much discomfort on this trip to Rome to testify. We can ask ourselves what is our own threshold for discomfort in serving God, and what might God be doing in our lives when He allows difficulties.