Joy in God's Sovereignty

Jim Leffel
Philippians 1:12-20

Challenging circumstances can make us question what God is doing--if He's truly in control, just, and/or loving. Paul though has another attitude, even as he sits in jail, seeing how God is working in his difficult circumstances--not only fulfilling his goal of sharing the gospel but taking it beyond what he imagined. When we consider and account for God's sovereignty in difficult situations, we will find joy as we see His ability to work beyond circumstance and beyond our failings and limitations, and as we embrace the idea that God is always working for our ultimate good.

When God Intervenes

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 8:1-9:21

In Chapters 8 and 9, God is ready to act upon the prayers of the martyrs to unleash judgment on the rebellious world that caused their death. During the Great Tribulation, people will not repent of their evil ways but will reject God's moral leadership, thinking that they will occupy the seat of power instead of God. They are unaware that to not worship God is to worship Satan. They will bear the consequences of that decision to reject God's authority.

Obtaining Joy in Affliction

Conrad Hilario
Acts 16:19-40

Paul was the most accomplished spiritual leader of his time before he met the risen Christ on the road to Damascus. After getting converted to Christianity, he became the most accomplished Christian leader ever. Ironically, he accomplished more for spreading the Gospel in the two years while he was a Roman prisoner than he did on his three missionary journeys. He was the ultimate model of obtaining joy in the midst of affliction. He discovered happiness and joy come from playing your part in God's plan.

Joys and Pains in Paul's Relationships

Brian Runk
2 Timothy 4:9-22

As Paul is facing the end of his life in prison, he recounts those who have faithfully stuck by him in ministry and those who regretfully, have abandoned or rejected him and the ministry. In spite of the betrayals, Paul remains committed to being invested in people despite the risks and personal costs. He was able to do so because, "The Lord stood with (him) and strengthened (him)..." The love of Jesus sustained him in his effort to love people who sometimes grievously let him down. \r\n\r\nSome keys to his ability to keep loving others were his commitment to live without bitterness, his understanding of the fallenness of human nature, and his staying close to Jesus.

What Must Take Place

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 6:1-17

John, the apostle, was given a revelation from Jesus about what must take place before he returns again. In Chapter 6, Jesus is given a scroll with seven seals upon it. Jesus opens six of the seals in order. The first three seals involve false Christs , war and famine being present in the world but this is not the end. This is a period of passive judgment that humans bring upon themselves. Seals four and five indicate intensification of the previous signs and widespread martyrdom. This will be closer to the end, but still not the end. Breaking seal number six ushers in the The Great Day of Wrath. This occurs during the Great Tribulation when God brings upon sinful humanity his righteous judgment.


Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 2:8-9

Although imprisoned, Paul expressed great confidence in his mission. Jim Leffel discusses how we can remain confident in the calling we have received from God, despite the circumstances.

Do Not Be Ashamed

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 1:7-12

What would be worth enduring shame for? Paul encourages Timothy to join him as a shameless messenger of the good news that saves. The testimony of our Lord Jesus Christ is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes and is, therefor, a worthwhile reason to gladly endure suffering and shame to share this good news. The Gospel is worth it!

Urgency of Love

Jim Leffel
Romans 13:8-12

In his series Christian Community in Crazy Times, Jim Leffel answers three questions: At the end of the day, what is the one thing that matters most?, Who is my neighbor? and How can we persevere in urgent love? These questions are incredibly relevant in light of the pandemic that is radically disrupting everyone's life now.

The Prayer of Faith

Mike Sullivan
James 5:13-18

Does God heal the sick every time we pray in faith for them? And what are the keys to effective prayer? James covers these and other key questions in this short paragraph about prayer.