The Seven Seals

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 6:1-17

John describes a scroll with seven seals that needs to be opened ? the consummation of human history. The Lamb of God is the only one able to break the seals, and the seals release forms of judgment. The first is conquest; the second, war; the third, famine; the fourth, death. The fifth and sixth seals released the martyrs and natural disasters. These first six seals mostly represent passive judgment where the earth is already in agony. The question that remains is this: as the situation worsens, will this tribulation period lead people to turn to God?

Jesus is Coming Back

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 19:1-21

The next piece of John's vision depicts the end of the battle, when Christ comes back and defeats all evil. Heavy on the wrath of God, the passage illustrates that evil is temporary. The lack of knowing when this will happen creates urgency in making a decision about Christ's role in one's life, while the certainty of this event lets believers carry on without bitterness or worry, knowing that God will judge and avenge evil one day.

The Victorious Return of Jesus

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 19:1-21

In the book of Revelations, John receives a vision of a celebration in heaven, Jesus' return to Earth, and Jesus' defeat of God's enemies. Jesus' first coming was as a savior to suffer and die for humanity, but the second coming will be as a king to judge and rule over humanity. In light of this, we should entrust ourselves to Jesus before he returns and be saved. We should also embrace a way of life that anticipates His return by sharing about God's grace, relying on Him through prayer, and enduring injustice.

The Mother of Harlots

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 17:1-6

One of John's visions concerns a woman with the title "Mother of Harlots," which describes the religious activities of this entity. Ultimately, the Mother of Harlots is the source of spiritual adultery within God's people. In the Old Testament this took the form of idolatry disguised by external formal worship of God, and in the present day this is a counterfeit and false form of Christianity. Those who feel aversive to Christianity may feel this way because of their exposure to false Christianity, and so the church has an obligation to fight spiritual deception through committed truth-based relationships.

The Beast

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 13:1-18

John describes The Beast, who appears in the next part of his vision. The Beast is given power from the Dragon (who was described in a previous passage to represent Satan). John describes how The Beast will blaspheme God, have a miraculous recovery from an injury, emerge from a Geo-political empire, and gain worldwide dominion during the Great Tribulation. The Beast will persecute God's people and commit The Abomination of Desolation, an act where he will claim to be God. He will deceive many into worshiping him. A second Beast will rise up and support him, initiating the mark of the Beast (which restricts anyone from buying or selling without it). Ultimately, their reign is of complete dominance and control, but as Revelation 11:3-13 shows, God will continue to pursue people and snatch victory from apparent defeat.

The Beast

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 13:1-18

Though Christ is the future rightful ruler over the world, in the end times there will be a Satanic counterfeit of Jesus' global reign. This world-ruler, named the beast, will be called forth and energized by Satan as he blasphemes the God of the Bible and persecutes those who refuse to worship him. The false prophet will validate the beast through counterfeit miracles and compel people to worship him before their utter destruction when Jesus returns. Christians are not to respond with unfounded skepticism, foolish speculation, or unhealthy fear to these future events.

The Dragon

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 12

John describes a vision of a great, red dragon that God protects a woman from. The woman is pregnant and gives birth to a child. The dragon pursues her and attacks the rest of her children. The dragon represents Satan; the woman represents Israel; and the child represents Jesus. The vision illustrates how there is a hidden war going on around us, and Satan uses humans to fight.

The War Behind the War

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 12:1-17

In the book of Revelation, there is a massive war described. Really, this was is a culmination of the spiritual war that exists right now between Satan's lies and God's truth. Our role in this is to embrace the fact that there is a spiritual war and to learn how to respond to Satan's schemes as he seeks to accuse, deceive, and devour.

Keeping your Spiritual Edge

John Cleary
Romans 12:2

Many Christians today forget about an imperative spiritual truth littered across the pages of Scripture, that we are in a spiritual battle! In order to stay alert, effective, and engaged in this battle we must first recognize the reality of its existence and our call to fight. Because of this, we should not be surprised when we experience suffering, but rather, should prepare proactively. One way to do this is to develop a "combat field manual," a journal in which we record key verses and truths to keep ourselves on track in this mission.