The Kosmos

Mike Sullivan
1 John 2:15-17

The apostle John commands his audience not to love the "kosmos" (i.e., the world system). This system includes three primary values: 1) the lust of the eyes (materialism); 2) the lust of the flesh (hedonism); and 3) the boastful pride of life (egotism). These values are authored and promoted by Satan and are designed to keep people away from God. John says believers should reject the kosmos because it stands in the way of our intimacy with God, it is temporal, and because if we do reject it, our investments in this life will last into eternity.

The Armor of God

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 6:13-24

Paul explains spiritual warfare through the imagery of a soldier's armor. He describes 1) The belt of truth, 2) The breastplate of righteousness, 3) Feet prepared for the Gospel, 4) The shield of faith, 5) The helmet of salvation, and 6) the sword of the Spirit. This is how we have been equipped to battle Satan.

The Combat Field Manual - Fighting Today in Our March Toward Eternity

John Cleary
2 Corinthians 4:16-18

We are reminded throughout Scripture to "not be surprised by the fiery ordeal" that accompanies the spiritual battle to which we belong. This spiritual battle is very real and we need to be convinced of it. The battle is in our minds and the weapon God has given us to fight in this battle is His truth. Writing out truth is helpful in arming our minds for this battle. We can develop our own personal Combat Field Manual.\r\n

Stages of Christian Spiritual Development

Gary DeLashmutt
John 3:5

John, one of Jesus' disciples, writes his first letter to the church in Ephesus to combat Gnosticism and to assure the believers of their salvation. In these three verses, John describes the provisions given to believers in each of the three stages of spiritual development: 1) full acceptance by and a relationship with God in spiritual infancy; 2) victory over Satan, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God in spiritual young adulthood; and 3) a deep relationship with God and knowledge of His Word in spiritual maturity. Spiritual "birth" (salvation by believing in Jesus) must precede spiritual development. Spiritual development is a choice, cannot happen in isolation, and should be the ambition of every believer.

Encounter with a Demoniac

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:15-16

Jesus sails to the country of the Gerasenes and is confronted by a man possessed by demons. The demons had tormented the man for many years and forced him to live alone in the tombs. The demons recognize Jesus as ?Son of the Most High God,? and beg him to be sent out of the man and into a herd of pigs. The man is healed from demon possession but the townspeople are frightened and beg Jesus to leave. Three questions are explored in this narrative: 1) why does this encounter make us feel uncomfortable?; 2) why don't we see this today?; and 3) what relevance does this narrative have for us?


Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 5:8-11

God has created spiritual beings that have free will, and Satan has organized a system in order to distract, tempt, and intimidate those who would follow God. This spiritual war has to do with thoughts, truths, and ideas. In order to be victorious, the Bible reminds us that: 1) Satan is our adversary and not people; 2) his tactics are predictable to the trained eye; and that we can: 3) be sober and alert; 4) stand firm; and 5) trust in God's sovereignty.

Preparing Our Minds for Action

Ryan Lowery
1 Peter 1:13-22

Because humankind has a natural inclination towards selfishness, a passive mental mindset leads to a self-centered life. In order to resist a culture that propagates these values, Christians must prepare and sharpen their minds. The grace of God stands against this paradigm and allows us to love others in a radical way.

Christ and Culture

Jim Leffel
1 Timothy 2:8-15

Many accuse the Bible of promoting negative cultural trends such as sexism. However, when interpreted correctly, the Bible upholds progressive and revolutionary cultural values that can form the basis for social change.

Staying Centered in Christ

Ryan Lowery
Nehemiah 6:1-16

In Christian service, a common tactic from the enemies of God is to try to bait us into extreme reactions. But Scripture calls us to an even-keeled approach where we are centered in the truth. It is looking at the cross that helps us to avoid extremes.