Marriage and Family in the 90's

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 19

Marriage was created by God and made to be God-centered, but our culture has replaced this Biblical model for a self-centered model. It's no surprise that marriages fail when self-gratification becomes the main priority. Furthermore, many have bought into the myth of falling in love: eros love. While eros is good, it is insufficient as a foundation for marriage. Dennis McCallum warns against the devastation of divorce and teaches on what it takes to build a good marriage according to God.

Jesus and Marriage

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 19

Dennis McCallum teaches on God's design for marriage and contrasts it against diverging modern trends. He shares secular research on the effects of divorce and cohabitation to make a compelling case for biblical marriage. While divorce and cohabitation offer perceived freedom from the bonds of marriage, research indicates that the costs ultimately outweigh the benefits?with children in these homes paying the highest price.