Paul: Apostle and Revolutionary

Jim Leffel
Galatians 1:10-2:10

Paul combats the Judaizers by defending the message of the Gospel of God. Paul uses his own personal testimony as direct revelation of God and evidence for the real life-transforming power of grace, which not only transformed his motivation but was also accepted by the apostles of Jesus Christ. The grace of God called Paul into a life of radical service for God and others, reflecting God's compassion and mercy towards a zealous sinner. Paul's understanding of God's grace resulted in radical thanksgiving.

Profile of an Effective Ambassador

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 6:1-10

Paul highlights a few ways that we can be effective as Christ's ambassadors: 1) not discrediting the ministry; 2) radical Commitment; 3) attractive spiritual qualities; and 4) enjoying paradoxical results. If we are committed to conducting ourselves in every arena as representatives of Christ, eager to volunteer ourselves for His service, and able to apply and live out God's Truth in our lives, we will be able to endure what others say to the message of Christ, knowing that our faithfulness is to Christ not people.

New Creatures in Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 5:14-21

There are many ramifications of our new identity in Christ. As a new creation, we have new aspirations to live for God instead of ourselves. In addition, we can adopt God's view of success, seen through a lifestyle of sacrificial service toward others and character transformation. Lastly, we are now seen as Christ's ambassadors, with a unique role and responsibility to tell others about Christ's love for them and how to know God personally.

Focusing on Eternal Things

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 5:1-10

As we encounter sufferings in this life, we have the option of where to place our focus: temporary versus eternal. Focusing on eternal things means: considering the transformed body we will receive from God in heaven; a reunion with God without sin or sadness and understanding how He truly worked in our lives; and the rewards we will receive from our service towards God. Considering eternal things can shape our service towards God and others in this present life.

The Effect of Living On

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 1:21-27

Paul calls believers to be others focused and to strive for unity in the Body of Christ. The world system preaches a message of self interest because they see this life as all we have. As believers who know that there is an afterlife we are called to spend this life serving and loving others which is truly beneficial for us.

God's Triumph

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 2:14-17

In Christian ministry, people respond in different ways to the message of Jesus' forgiveness toward them. Despite this, we have the ability to triumph through trusting God's ability to work in our lives to advance His purposes. As we learn to become more available to be used by God and rely on His adequacy for us, we can become an attractive fragrance to the outside world for Christ.

The Afterlife

Dennis McCallum
1 John 5:13

Paul said to live is Christ and to die is gain. Paul thought he was going to live because he knew God still had plans to use him in the lives of others to share His gospel message. Paul was also secure that if he were to die then he would be going to heaven.

Paradoxes Concerning "Greatness"

Jim Leffel
Mark 10:32-45

As humans, we aspire to be great; this is an aspiration God has given us. So, it is God who defines the terms of what greatness is. When we pursue greatness as the world defines it, we pursue disappointment. Mark records Jesus' definition of greatness as those who strive to serve others. When we pursue God and greatness through sacrificial service, that is when we find true fulfillment.

Being the Greatest

Jim Leffel
Mark 9:30-35

Desiring greatness is not wrong, and God desires for us to live great lives. However, the mind of man and the mind of God define greatness differently. Jim Leffel explains the truth in what seems to be a paradox: greatness through servanthood. Jesus embodied this, and Leffel provides practical ways we can adopt Jesus' attitude to sacrificially serve others.