Make Love Your Lifestyle

Jim Leffel
Galatians 6:6-10

As we grow in our love towards others, there are three principles for developing a loving lifestyle: 1) understanding that what we feed grows, whether we sow to the flesh or to the spirit; 2) the reward of enduring and doing good without losing heart; and 3) seizing the opportunities God places in our lives to do good to others. Living out a lifestyle of sacrificial love is rewarding not just in this life, but even more so in the next.

Fulfilling the Law of Christ

Jim Leffel
Galatians 6:1-5

The Law of Christ can be seen through our ability to lovingly restore other Christians, as well as bear others burdens. We are called to bear burdens, while helping others learn how to bear their own loads and learn how to walk according to the Holy Spirit and grow spiritually. As we invest in deep love relationships, God is able to use us in others lives to draw closer to Him and see real transformation.

Balancing Home Life and Ministry

Patrice McCormac
Galatians 6:1-5

Balancing family and ministry service can be both confusing and difficult. Instead of approaching this conflict of interests sequentially, such as following a concrete plan of first serving your spouse, then kids, then self or others, we can practice more flexibility. There is a deep need to be simultaneously involved in ministry because of its ability to bring friendships, purpose, and a healthy example for children. In attempting to balance these two fields of life, we can look for ways in which they overlap and actually complement each other.

Casting a Vision

Mike Sullivan
Galatians 6:1-5

Our churches need people who are convinced of the need to serve and evangelize, and convinced that they have a role to play. But often people don't seriously believe they can be used to do great things. We need to give individuals a vision for how they can be used powerfully by God for His kingdom.

Home Group Leadership (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 6:1-5

One key aspect to promoting home group leadership is the presence of team leadership. There are several key principles to apply when striving for quality in this area. These include encouraging fellow leaders, resolving personal conflicts, observing the principle of the "man on the spot," maintaining commitment to success, and focusing on the ministry. Negativity on the team may arise, but we should be wary of our own judgements upon other leaders' ministries and should seek to communicate a balance of both negative and positive facts.

Life Giving Leadership

Bruce Powers
Galatians 6:1-5

Living a life of service in leadership means more than following certain rules or looking a certain way, spiritually. Life giving leadership consists of three actions: tell the gospel, do the gospel, and be the gospel. These reach deeper than just outward appearances.

Home Group Leadership (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:11

In order to promote a leader-rich home group, there are seven conditions that should be present. The church must first believe in the vision that qualified leaders are the key to success, and new leaders must be Spirit-chosen. Spiritual leaders must be held in honor, accountability and discipline. Every leader should seek to replicate themselves and top leaders in the church must prioritize helping develop new leaders. Finally, people should see a clear pathway to leadership, and leaders should be formed into teams to promote increased leadership within the church.

A Personal Leadership Development Experience

Bill Lawrence
Ephesians 4:11

Leadership in the Christian life does not equal being greater or above anyone else. Rather, it is characterized by a life of service to others. Everything a leader does should be in the name of Jesus, as servants of God, not as if the church is God. It is a humble and low work.

Feeding the Multitude

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 28:18-20

The feeding of the five thousand is a picture of how God calls us to meet people's needs. He has what people need that will satisfy and we are called to share that with them. As we are used by God to meet people's needs we have the privilege to see lives changed, experience deep significance, and we become spiritually satisfied.