Freedom, Rights and Calling

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 9:1-23

Believers have the supernatural, God-given freedom from being controlled by self-interest, and can instead use their freedom to serve other people. Indeed, the Gospel requires setting aside some of our rights. By doing so, Christians fulfill God's purpose to share and show God's grace to all people, as well as personally experience joyous freedom.

Freedom And Conscience

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 6:12

One aspect of God's purpose in reconciling people to Himself is to create a community to show the world what He is like. One way believers in Christ can show God's love to others is to gain biblical knowledge tempered with discerning love when interacting with other people. Under grace, believers have God-given freedom with a clear conscience, but in this passage are encouraged to use this freedom to love and serve others instead of self.

Sex and Marriage

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 7:1-5

Following an overview of how sexuality and spirituality intersect, this teaching covers the dynamics of a sexual relationship in marriage. The proper place of sex in marriage avoids the extremes that the people in the Corinthian church were drawn to: namely seeking sexual gratification outside the marriage on the one hand, and denying sexual desire altogether on the other. The Bible advocates sexuality as both an expression of marital oneness and an act of self-giving love.

Reaching Internationals in Our Cities

Rich Mendola
1 Corinthians 7:1-5

Reaching internationals around us is not only a call from God but also strategic for expanding God's kingdom. God calls us to love and be hospitable to strangers, going out of our comfort zone to offer friendship and assist with practical needs. Investing in internationals in our own cities is a wise investment because they can go back to their countries to share God's message with others, saving thousands of dollars for what a missionary would cost. Even internationals that decide to stay in our cities have a large influence with people in their home countries too. This presentation ends with some practical ways we can get involved with and help internationals in our cities.

Should I Not Love this City? - God's Community Adorning the Gospel

John Cleary
Titus 2:9-10

We are called to go out from our circle of Christian friends into the cities around us, full of people who need to know God. Far too often, we fail to follow Jesus' example and his pursuit of people who are different from us. Because of this, our gifts are often never fully utilized. As we serve the communities we live in, we can answer the call to let our light shine before men. There are endless open doors for loving people through both word and deeds, something that will refresh us as well as give life to others.

The Law and Christian Ethics

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 5:23-48

Jesus teaches on the relationship between the Law and understanding what is morally right and wrong. The overarching principles of God's Law are rooted in His character and show where the priority of focus should be in the lives of Christians. This was particularly meaningful because the audience of Jesus included Pharisees that were more focused on following the law versus living out the prioritized principles of God seen through His Law. Through Jesus' teaching, we see that God cares about a lifestyle of sacrificial love, as opposed to selfishly taking from others.

Christian Ethics

Scott Risley
Matthew 5:21-48

God wants us to lead moral lives, but He wants to set the priorities, not have us decide ethical and moral priorities for ourselves because we are so often deceived. Many of the ethical teachings in the Bible are principles not set in stone "rules".

The Sermon on the Mount (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 5:9-16

Jesus continues to speak on happiness as he opposes the self-righteous Pharisees of his time. He explains to his audience that attitudes of: enduring persecution, being peaceable, and living in a way that is attractive to those who do not know God are what can ultimately lead to a blessed or fulfilling life. When Christians forsake selfish interest and focus on living lives that are centered around loving others and reflecting God's Truth in their words and action, our relationships with one another, and more importantly with God, will be very fulfilling.

The Sermon on the Mount (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Luke 18:9-14

Jesus teaches on the Sermon on the Mount and opposes the view of the Pharisees that real spirituality comes from external conforming to rules and regulations. Instead, Jesus teaches first on the "Beatitudes" or the attitudes that should be cultivated in a relationship with God, all of which go against the self-righteous,self-centered attitude of the world and the Pharisees during Jesus' ministry. Jesus' picture of a blessed life would be exemplified by humility, transparency, kindness, and a yearning for God. These attitudes go directly against the self-righteous mentality of Jesus' culture and our culture today.