God's Strategy in Human History Part 2

Conrad Hilario
Deuteronomy 18:9-11

Keep your eyes peeled for the person of peace. We are engaged in a fierce spiritual battle and we must maintain an attitude of joy and hope. God can use even the worst circumstances or suffering for His purpose.

God's Strategy in Human History

Conrad Hilario
Galatians 1:21-23

Paul and Silas travel to Philippi to share the Gospel message. God enlists us to carry out His mission as soon as we accept Christ. Some principles of our ministry include: 1) sharing Christ while being sensitive to the culture; 2) discipleship is the way to do this; 3) the Holy Spirit will lead.

Bright Lights in a Dark Culture

Ryan Lowery
Daniel 1:1-20

King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon besieged Jerusalem and demanded the best of the Jewish boys to be trained in Babylonian culture. Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were among the boys to be assimilated. Although they each had a name change, they requested to continue obeying God's Law by not partaking of the king's assigned meals. They obtained permission to follow their dietary laws and ended up healthier than the rest. The boys choose to be a light in another culture by being like the Babylonian culture when they could but choosing to be separate where it counts.

Motives for Ministry

Ryan Lowery
2 Corinthians 5:9-21

We are called to let the love of God shine through us as we serve others, but what should motivate us to serve? Paul first discusses with the Corinthians what we should not be motivated by: glorifying self. He then discusses three good motives for serving. We serve because: 1) we will be rewarded, 2) God loved us first, and 3) He has asked us to serve others.

Ministers of a New Covenant

Ryan Lowery
2 Corinthians 3:18

The Corinthians have been questioning Paul's authority and credentials to speak into their lives. Paul tells this church that its members are his credentials ? the way he loved them and led them to God and not himself is his proof that he speaks truth. Paul records four ways that we can know whether or not we should listen to a person's insight. We must ask: 1) from whom do they take their confidence, 2) where do they get their adequacy, 3) are they a servant, and 4) do they rely on the Spirit or the Law?

Loving Individuals with Disabilities

Dani Shaffer
Carol Tufano
Matthew 28:18-20

Disability is both a part of a person and created by the environment. In order to love those with disabilities, we must go beyond the common approaches to overlook or completely separate these individuals, instead integrating them by making appropriate accommodations. This workshop explores what integration in this context looks like, as well as the Xenos models for offering this to those with disabilities. This includes what discipleship and involvement in the adult ministry may look like for these individuals.

Love - Labor, Joy and Glory

Lindsey Tobin
1 Thessalonians 2:19-20

As we examine Paul's labor for the Thessalonian and Corinthian churches, we see that while he labored, he also experienced real joy. This workshop explores the relationship between these two realities as well as glory - glory in God's presence, in his rewards, and in himself. A deeper look into these letters gives us a rich understanding of what these truly look like and how they apply to our lives today. We also see the joy killers we should seek to avoid as we labor in our Christian lives. \r\n

Portraits of Love - Scriptural Stories of Hospitality

Rich Mendola
2 Kings 4:8-17

Hospitality is a major way of showing love to outsiders or strangers, something that God calls us to do. Not only is hospitality commanded but it is also illustrated throughout Scripture, especially through two passages examined in this workshop. Abraham offered hospitality to the messengers who were sent by God as did the Shunammite woman toward the prophet Elisha. Through these examples, we see practical ways of showing hospitality which can be applied to our hospitable efforts in our own cities.

Loving Our Cities

Randy Chestnut
Jeremiah 29:7

God makes, grows, and uses cities, and He has a purpose for them. The more we understand this purpose and begin to see His heart for the city, the more we will have a heart for our city. We can make the choice to love where God has placed us, and there are many ways we can build relationships with the people of our community and be a blessing to them. We have to show that we are a church with the community, not only in it and for it.