An Introduction to the Book of James

Mike Sullivan

The Book of James is different than most of the other New Testament books especially in its tone. Other writers of NT letters were balanced between what God has done for us and what we can do for God. James, on the other hand, focuses strongly on what we can do for God. He emphatically urges us to be doers of the Word. He was aware of the extreme need the dispersed believers were experiencing as they fled persecution in Jerusalem. His tone was different also because he was reaching a different audience than other writers. He was urging Jewish Christians to remove cultural barriers to the gospel so that the gospel could reach as many people as possible.

Leaving the Nest

Scott Risley
Mark 6:1-13

The disciples have spent over a year learning from the Master. Now it's time for them to go out and put into practice what they have learned. Jesus sends them out on their first mission and gives them specific instructions about how to serve as his representative. We'll study his instructions and draw application for our lives today.

Walk the Walk

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:1-17

In this section of Ephesians, Paul focuses on practically applying who we are as children of God to ?walk the walk.? This comes as a result of truly knowing God and involves loving others Christ's way, living as lights in the world so that God may be visible through us, and aligning our priorities with God's.

Building with God (Part 2)

Mike Sullivan
Ephesians 4:11-16

God works through people to build his church--not just people we see up front teaching and leading, but all Christians. This has implications for the church as a whole and for us as individuals. We need to be in tune to leading from the Holy Spirit, stay connected to Christ, speak the truth in love, and be aware of and actively use our spiritual gifts to serve and build up others.

Rescued, Rescuer, & Results

Chris Hearty
Mark 4:21-34

In this passage Jesus gives us three parables: The first is the responsibility of the rescued. The second, the responsibility of the Rescuer. Finally, Jesus gives us the results of this cooperation. In these parables Jesus reminds his followers of what we can expect when we cooperate with the Master Sower.

The Prayer of a Servant

Mike Sullivan
Mark 4:21-34

In Jesus, we see a perfect model of a life of ministry dependent of the Holy Spirit, rooted in prayer. Christians today are also called to love and serve others through the power of the Holy Spirit, who supplies all we need when resources and power are otherwise scarce. Three key attitudes when asking God to help us serve others are to have a willingness to serve, to recognize our helplessness, and to be shamelessly audacious in prayer.

The Holy Spirit

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 11:1-13

A passage concerning what Jesus taught about the Holy Spirit's future role in His followers' lives. It's a promise of the Holy Spirit's provision for Christians who serve others. If we want to be effective servants, three attitudes are necessary: 1) willingness to serve; 2) seeing our helplessness in meeting people's deepest needs; and 3) shameless audacity in asking God for help. When we ask Him in faith, He will give us whatever provision of the Holy Spirit we need in order to serve others as His representatives.\r\n

Being a "Doer":Inclusiveness and Compassion

Dennis McCallum
James 2:1-13

God calls us to not show personal favoritism. We are not to make distinctions between ourselves based on race or gender or wealth or any other factor. When we do not take our identity from God, we create an arbitrary identity focused on being important in some way and not on loving others. People are equal because they are created in the image of God.

Freedom Without Judgment

Chris Hearty
Romans 15:1-2

Within God's realm of moral truth, we have extraordinary freedom of conscience. Only, we are not free to impose our conscience upon all other Christians. Nor do we have the freedom to judge the weaker conscience of another believer in Christ. Instead, we are to sacrifice our personal freedom in order to serve the weaker person in love.