Satan, Society, and Savior

Chris Hearty
Mark 5:1-20

Reaching the other side of the lake, Jesus is immediately confronted with another challenge, a man possessed by a hive of demons. This passage gives us a commentary on Satan, society, and our savior.

Duel in the Desert

Scott Risley
Mark 1:12-13

Before Jesus begins his public ministry, he travels to the desert wilderness to meet his ancient enemy head-on. Here we learn some key truths about the nature of temptation and how to overcome it. Join us as we study this important time in the life of the only one who has been tempted in every way, and yet was without sin.

The Truth About Temptation

Chris Hearty
James 1:12-18

James distinguishes between God who tests us for our good, to strengthen our faith and Satan who tempts us to bring about spiritual death. Satan uses seduction and deception to make us believe the lies behind the temptation and thus, enslaving us to sin. The key to avoiding the deception of temptation is believing and focusing on the truth. Temptation does not come from God, but from the desires in our hearts that Satan uses to entice us to sin. Instead, we must remember God will always show us a way out of any temptation. Victory is only found in the Cross of Christ.

The Beginning of God's Rescue Plan

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 3:20-21

In Genesis 3 we see God begin a rescue plan for man, whose decision to rebel against Him, through Satan's temptation, has resulted in death. God predicts that someday Satan will be judged and defeated through a conflict between Satan and a member of the human race--the Messiah. By making an animal hide covering for Adam and Eve, God foreshadows the day when a sacrifice will cover the shame and guilt of their sins. We should "take off" our ways of dealing with this guilt and "put on" Jesus' free provision of forgiveness.

Humanity's Wrong Turn

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 2:15-16

In the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam and Eve a clear command to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, a choice that represented either trusting Him or taking authority for themselves. Satan appeared in the form of a serpent to persuade them to eat the fruit, a choice that has led to mankind being alienated from God, each other, their own heart, and creation. Then God initiated a plan of hope and rescue.

Humanity's Wrong Turn

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 3:1-21

Chapter 3 of Genesis describes the fall of man when Adam and Eve believed Satan's lies and chose to rebel against God. As a result, we no longer live in harmony with God, ourselves, or nature, but rather live in a broken version of God's good creation. However, even from the earliest stages of man's alienation, we see God moving towards people and working to cover over their shame and make a way back to Him.

Simplicity or Seduction?

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 11:1-15

Paul is under some accusations from the Corinthians. He decides to forgo certain rights to make sure they Corinthians know that he is not interested in anything other than spreading the Good News.

Working With Suspicious People

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11

Working with people can be difficult. Sometimes people can be very suspicious of leaders. This is true in the case of Paul and the church in Corinth. Paul often has to defend himself and his actions to the church. The same if often true today. People are still suspicious. How to work with people who are often suspicious is covered.

The Causes, Effects, and Solution for the Fall

James Rochford
Genesis 3:1-24

When God created Adam and Eve, they lived in the Garden of Eden in perfect harmony and contentment. However, Satan approached Eve and prompted her to question God's instructions about the Tree of Life. Since God gave them free will, Adam and Eve ate fruit from the tree that God said not to; therefore, rebelling against God and allowing sin to enter the world. Take a look at the causes, effects and the solution to the fall of man-that still has lasting consequences to this day!