Lion Awareness

Ben Foust
1 Peter 5:8-11

One of the essential attitudes for enduring what Peter calls the "fiery ordeal"--suffering in the name of Christ--is an awareness of God's enemy, Satan. Peter describes him as a lion, prowling around, looking for someone to devour. Peter says the keys to defeating him are knowing your enemy, being on the alert, and resisting him.

Jesus and Simon Peter

Ben Foust
John 21:1-17

Peter's three-fold denial of Jesus was a failure of faith. As fallen humans, we over-estimate the strength of our intentions and faithfulness. Jesus anticipates our failures but has a vision for us beyond our failures. He forgives our failures and restores us relationally. He refines our character through our failures and redeems our failures.

Jesus' Millenial Kingdom

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 20:1-10

The Millennial Kingdom is the period of time after the church age ends. It is a thousand years of Jesus and his resurrected followers reigning over the mortal survivors of the Tribulation. Satan will be bound during this time. People will live long without illness. After the thousand years, Satan will be released to deceive the nations one final time but he will be destroyed and thrown into the lake of fire forever and ever. \r\n\r\nIt will be a period of true social justice and lasting world peace. There will be world-wide spiritual enlightenment and a time of unprecedented celebration and joy. Nature will be substantially restored.

Jesus Tempted

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 4:1-21

Matthew 4 tells the story of Jesus' successful struggle against temptation in the wilderness, as he was confronted by Satan who sought to entice him. Satan used 3 approaches that are the same approaches he uses with us: the "lust of the eyes," the "lust of the flesh," and the "boastful pride of life." Jesus demonstrates how we can successfully counter the deception of temptation by knowing the truth, being on our guard, and fighting against it, in part, by examining our thinking.

The Beasts of Revelation 13

Lee Campbell
Revelation 13:1-18

In Revelation, John describes the three beasts that will be revealed during The Tribulation period, the dragon, the antichrist, and the false prophet. Much of John's language is cryptic and some of it is impossible to understand until it is revealed and then it will be unmistakable. Some possible reactions to this uncertainty is skepticism, unhealthy speculation, or fear. The best response is faith. God has given us so much prophesy that has come true that we can have confident faith that these mystifying prophesies will also come true in due time. In the mean time we should be trusting and obeying what we do know to be true from Scripture. God wins in the end and we have eternal life in him. Our focus must be on sharing his good news with others who do not know him yet.

God's Efforts to Reach Us

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 14:6-7

During the Great Tribulation there will be tremendous judgments poured out upon the people of the earth for refusing to repent. But there will also be, at the same time, God going to great lengths to reach people who are far from him. God will send 144,000 bondservants to proclaim the Gospel; he will send two witnesses to Jerusalem for three and a half years to appeal to people to turn back to God; he will even send Jesus to appear in person after the two witnesses are taken up into heaven. And if that wasn't enough, a mighty angel will fly around the world making one final effort to exhort the remaining people to repent and turn to God before time is up.

When God Intervenes

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 8:1-9:21

In Chapters 8 and 9, God is ready to act upon the prayers of the martyrs to unleash judgment on the rebellious world that caused their death. During the Great Tribulation, people will not repent of their evil ways but will reject God's moral leadership, thinking that they will occupy the seat of power instead of God. They are unaware that to not worship God is to worship Satan. They will bear the consequences of that decision to reject God's authority.

The Deeper Problem

Mike Sullivan
James 4:1-10

The danger all Christians are susceptible to is being driven primarily by our sin nature. Although we were given a new spiritual nature, our sin nature did not go away at conversion. When we fall in love with the 'kosmos' we are operating in Satan's domain. His value system is designed to lure us away from God. When hearts are more in love with the world than we are in love with Jesus, we are giving in to our sin nature. James, in Chapter Four, explains the greater grace God has given us to combat the pleasures that wars within us. It begins with humbling our hearts and drawing near to a gracious God.

Stand Firm

Ben Foust
Ephesians 6:10-13

Paul begins the concluding section of the book with a call to arms: to stand firm against the Devil. Who is the enemy? How does he fight? And what do we do about it?