Dreaded Leader's Disease and Deliverance (Part 1)

Bill Lawrence
Mark 6:45-52

When it comes to being a servant leader the main focus needs to be on allowing God to continue to grow you in your character. Everything you are pours out into everything you do. Anyone can learn the skills to be a leader, but it is in the transformative power of God where you can model real sanctification. Your heart must be softened to the work He is doing in your own life.

Dreaded Leader's Disease and Deliverance (Part 2)

Bill Lawrence
Mark 10:32-37

Leadership disease is real and can impact anyone. This disease starts when leaders put man's interests above God's interests. This is a chronic condition of the heart that can cause leaders to create functional legalists. Leaders need to put their service for God in the middle of His grace. The role of a leader is to edify the church and exalt God. So many fall into seeking their own personal gain and success.

The Spirit of Freedom (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:16-25

Character transformation is an ongoing process that happens as we depend on the Holy Spirit's power in our lives. Developing a radical dependence on God to change us, we are able to see Him grow our ability to show sacrificial love, take joy in other's growth, and stay at peace with people. Other areas of transformation include gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control.

The Spirit of Freedom (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:16-25

As we seek to grow spiritually, we encounter two competing agendas: the spirit and the flesh. The desires of the flesh are often motivated to put self first and will cause damage within our relationship with God and others. In order to combat this, we must take our thoughts captive against the fleshly thoughts and attitudes and ask for God's help to walk in line with His Holy Spirit as we live based out of God's Word.

Live Free or Die!

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:1-17

When it comes to growing with God, legalism versus grace are mutually exclusive. Real change happens when we wait and put our confident hope in God's desire to make us more Christlike over our lives, resisting the urge to work to please God. A growing conformity to be more like Jesus will result in exceeding amounts of faith expressing itself through sacrificial love. We will experience more freedom in Christ as we decide to actively depend on the Holy Spirit and live under God's grace.

Promise and Freedom

Jim Leffel
Galatians 3:15-29

Paul tells the Galatians that real freedom comes from living under God's grace instead of legalism. Under legalism, our identity is based off our works and leads to: superficial relating with others, fear of failure, and looking to others for our sense of approval. Under grace, we know: that we're going to fail but we still act, we look to demonstrate God to others, and our lives are transparent. Living under grace allows us to realize God's promises to us as His children and to depend on the Holy Spirit in our lives for change.

Faith is the Foundation of Freedom

Jim Leffel
Galatians 3:1-14

Paul addresses the Galatians, reminding them that spiritual growth comes from dependence on the Holy Spirit and not looking to the Law. The righteousness we receive from God is based on faith, not by works. As Christians, the key to spiritual growth is trusting in the complete adequacy of Christ, the empowering work of the Holy Spirit, and the justification we receive from his work on the cross. This teaching includes a testimony from Travis Henderson about moving away from legalism into thinking about living under grace.

Attaining Spiritual Maturity

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 3:9-16

God has positioned us into His family as his sons and daughters and has promised us an eternity with him. Often we choose to focus on our temporary condition when God truly views us in terms of our eternal position. God fully loves us and His view of us is what really matters.

Profile of an Effective Ambassador

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 6:1-10

Paul highlights a few ways that we can be effective as Christ's ambassadors: 1) not discrediting the ministry; 2) radical Commitment; 3) attractive spiritual qualities; and 4) enjoying paradoxical results. If we are committed to conducting ourselves in every arena as representatives of Christ, eager to volunteer ourselves for His service, and able to apply and live out God's Truth in our lives, we will be able to endure what others say to the message of Christ, knowing that our faithfulness is to Christ not people.