Bearing Fruit (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:19-25

Paul shares some attributes of people who are led by the Holy Spirit. Some characteristics of Christians led by the Holy Spirit's power include lives of peace and patience. Peace by the Holy Spirit results in relational skills and effectively dealing with anger that we encounter in a way that glorifies God. God-filled patience allows for long-suffering within relationships and persevering with people because of a deep concern for their well-being. Both of these can be realized through dependence in prayer with God and through our speech with others.

Bearing Fruit (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:19-25

Walking according to the Holy Spirit's guidance produces real change in the lives of Christians. Some of the fruit of the Holy Spirit includes walking in love, living with deep joy and having a deep sense of peace, all of which comes from God. Self-sacrificial love, delighting when God uses you or those around you, being grateful for His blessings, and cultivating a deep trust in God accomplishing His purposes are all totally possible in the lives of those who are led by the Holy Spirit instead of the selfish desires of the flesh.

Walk by the Spirit

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:16-18

Paul describes the battle within each Christian between the flesh and the spirit. These are two contrasting styles of agendas, one driven out from self and the other driven to glorify God. The flesh is driven to focus on our own ability and power, while living by the Spirit yields its power, ability, and mind to the purposes of God in order to live a life characterized by meeting others' needs. This is a totally normal phenomenon for healthy, growing Christians.

Freedom in the Spirit

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:1-15

God's design for spiritual growth begins with understanding the freedom Christians have in Christ. As we are led by the Holy Spirit, God allows us to see how to meet others needs through sacrificial love. This kind of living produces real joy and relational closeness with others, rooted out of God's grace. Through the Holy Spirit, we are able to experience real moral change and go against our natural selfish tendencies that are shallow and empty.

Healthy Truth

Jeff Gordon
Hebrews 4:12

The Bible teaches that objective truth exists and brings both spiritual and physical health into our lives. Jeff Gordon explains the truth's role in exposing us so that, from there, we can grow. He advocates the stability we gain from basing our lives on truth and expands on practical applications such as: taking courses on the Bible, meditating on scripture, memorizing verses, and acting on truth.

Continuing Under Grace

Jim Leffel
Galatians 3:1-14

Paul is aware that the Galatians are totally blinded by the self-righteousness that comes from trying to be growing with God through the Law. Instead, he urges them to remember grace-empowered living by being led by the Holy Spirit instead of human effort. He shows that even in the Old Testament, God's way always was centered around grace. Instead of trying to self-improve through moral goodness, God asks us to trust in Him over our own goodness and to respond to His leading in our lives. As we do this, we encounter more and more freedom from living under the acceptance and love that comes from His grace through Jesus Christ.

Overcoming Spiritual Sloth

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 3:1-6

In Jesus' letter to the church in Sardis, he rebukes them for being spiritually asleep. They have relied on their reputation and stopped seeking to spread the message of Christ to people in need. Like this church, becoming spiritually complacent in our own life can be dangerous towards our effectiveness for Christ and personal growth. Luckily, Jesus gives a treatment plan for this struggle. He calls the church to wake up, repent, and embrace a life of faith expressing itself through love.

Complete in Christ

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 13:9-14

Becoming complete in Christ is an ongoing process where who we are in Christ becomes more and more evident in all aspects of our lives. Living out of our new identity in Christ necessitates believing what God says about who we are, including that we are forgiven, acceptable, and redeemed. Our responsibility in this process is to take steps of faith to live out God's Word of who we are. God's love and grace are motivating factors in this process to love others and help others reach spiritual maturity. When we do this, we are strengthened to be effective in the work God has for us.

Becoming a Spiritual Community (Part 1)

Larry Crabb
2 Corinthians 13:9-14

Crabb teaches about spiritual formation and community. Our self-obsessed nature can get in the way of God's goal for the church. The goal of the church is to transform us to be more like Jesus, to resemble Jesus. Personal transformation happens in community. The trinity relationship is an example of how the church should be in relationship. Because of what God did through Jesus on the cross we can live with the well being of others in view.\r\n