Christian Sexuality

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 4:1-10

Paul describes to the Thessalonians ways in which they can live to please God. He begins with instructions about Christian sexuality. These moral guidelines are for Christians. God's design for sexuality is that it is to be enjoyed within the confines of a heterosexual, monogamous marriage and that all other sexual relations outside of this are outside of God's Will. On a positive note, Paul highlights that committing to God's stance on sexuality allows for the maximum amount of real service towards another in marriage and prevents real catastrophic damage that comes when God's way is neglected. What we think and decide to do in the area of sexuality can have a great effect on our personal relationship with Jesus.

Christian Discipleship Relationships Pt. 2

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13

Paul continues to share with the Thessalonians his concern for them while they were apart. From this section, we are able to determine two more principles that take place in Christian discipleship. The first is that a major priority in these relationships is face-to-face relating. There was also a healthy concern for one another's spiritual welfare. Paul was able to give himself sacrificially to them because his needs had been met in Christ. Includes excerpts from Sherry Turkle's book "Alone Together" and discusses the negatives that come from replacing face to face relating with immersion into information technology.

I am the Light of the World

Jim Leffel
John 8:12-33

Jesus said the truth sets people free, yet we live in a culture that avoids the topic of truth and often prefers enslavement to addictions over freedom. Leffel contrasts worldly wisdom against godly wisdom to demonstrate the many areas in which God desires to bring healing and redemption.

What is the Difference Between a Country Club and the Body of Christ?

Dennis McCallum
2 Thessalonians 2:15-3:18

Paul writes in his letter about discipline in the church, and how discipline is for the good of the believer and for the good of the group. Unlike judgment, discipline is looking toward the future, giving someone knowledge of and tools for what they need to change. In groups that do not have discipline, lives don't change, there is low morale, and major change by God isn't seen.

Neither Do I Condemn You

Jim Leffel
John 8:1-11

Leffel uses Jesus's interaction with the woman caught in adultery to teach on forgiveness, justice through substitutionary atonement, and real transformation from sin issues. He offers freedom from bondage to our anger, sensual habits, ego-elevating activities, and everything else that spirals downwards. While fear can cause external change, God uses His love to give us true transformation from the inside out.

Sex and Spiritual Growth

Scott Risley
Matthew 19:5

Paul gives direction to the Thessalonians on how to view sex and how they are sanctified by adopting God's view of sex. There is a contrast between the world's view of sex, porneia, and God's view of sex in marriage. The cultural norm for sex is critiqued, and a vision is put forth for what it looks like to have God at the center of relationships.

Finishing Well

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 4:9-18

How will we respond to suffering, rejection, and failure in our walks with God? Will we respond like Demas and give into defeat, listening to our broken pride? Or will we instead find humility in grace like Mark, allowing ourselves to be grown by God's discipline? Paul reveals some of the difficulties of following God, and the choice we have between giving up or fighting the good fight and growing from failure.

Protection, Direction, Perfection

Ryan Lowery
Psalms 1:1-3

Navigating life can be difficult and overwhelming. In God's written word, we have the ultimate source of wisdom to guide us. In studying the Bible, God offers us protection from pitfalls in life, direction for how to devote our time and effort, and His perfecting power that brings change in our character.

Why Follow God?

Scott Risley
Ephesians 5:1-14

We follow God because our old selves died when we accepted His death as payment for our sins. There are certain things incompatible with our new selves, such as sex outside of marriage. We are called to live in the light, live our lives to please the Lord, and love because He first loved us.