The Key to Happiness

Scott Risley
John 13:1-35

During Jesus' final night on earth, he had dinner with his disciples and washed their feet. His shocking act of humility was a powerful example of sacrificial service. Once we come into a relationship with Jesus, he wants us to embrace a lifestyle of serving others. Although pain and sacrifice are often involved in serving, Jesus promises that this is the path to experiencing true joy and happiness in life.\r\n

Walking With the Holy Spirit

Jeff Gordon
Galatians 5:13-26

In the heart of every believer, there is a battle between the flesh and the Spirit. The goal of the Christian is to be sensitive and responsive to the Holy Spirit that indwells them. This is possible because in Christ our flesh has been crucified, with all of its evil passions and desires. Ultimately, the fruit of walking with the Spirit is love.


Jeff Gordon
Galatians 5:1-15

The Bible teaches that Christ saved us so that we could actually experience freedom. Instead of subjecting ourselves to slavery. This freedom means that we can approach God freely, follow Him with our lives, be open about our sin, and choose to serve others in love.

Supernatural Living

Jeff Gordon
Galatians 4:8-31

Paul turns to the example of Isaac and Ishmael to demonstrate the difference between God's two covenants. Sarah represents the heavenly Jerusalem, the free woman who is our spiritual mother, while Hagar represents slavery to the Law. Believers should choose to live as those who are free from the Law.

Intro to the Xenos Home Group Model

Phil Franck
Hebrews 10:24-25

The Xenos home group model involves many components. Xenos' model isn't the only model of the best model, but is one that follows the New Testament. Like Jesus' ministry, Xenos started small and grew one small group at a time. Four main areas of focus for home group leaders are: 1) personal growth with God; 2) evangelism; 3) biblical community; 4) discipleship. The way home groups multiply is through developing leaders. Each home group functions independently and also dependently; part of a bigger whole. Overall each home group disciples, teaches, disciplines, and evangelizes independently. They are however under the elders' authority and dependent on their leadership training. With all parts playing their role God grows His Church.\r\n

What is the Blessing of Faith?

Jeff Gordon
Galatians 3:23-4:7

Many Christians fall into a legalistic paradigm, where they believe that they earn God's blessings by living faithfully. While a good life of blessings can be reached by living a faithful life, submission to this linear arrangement actually adds pressure and guarantees failure. The blessing of faith, as opposed to legalism, is a growing relationship with God through faith. In light of this, we should live as children of God, developing closeness with our Father in heaven.

Abraham's Life of Faith

Jeff Gordon
Genesis 12:1-4

In the book of Galatians, Paul continues to defend a life of faith as opposed to the Law. He reminds the believers in Galatia that both their salvation and sanctification never had to do with the Law, but were a result of the Spirit's work in them. No one can be made right with God through trying to keep the Law, and even Abraham was blessed solely because of his faith. As Abraham received a blessing for his faith, so now believers can receive the Holy Spirit through faith.

Faith vs. Law

Jeff Gordon
Galatians 2:16-20

In his letter to the Galatians, Paul argues the case that the Christian life is about faith rather than following the Law. He argues that we are justified by faith, and that because of this we are sanctified on the same basis: the work of Christ.

The Help of the Holy Spirit

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 1:13

Jesus teaches that the Christian life is the Spirit-filled life. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to love others as only Jesus can. We have not been left orphaned here, but can be secure in God's love through the promise and seal of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit helps us in personal tutoring of God. Without the Holy Spirit the things of God would be foolishness to us.