A Life of Inexpressible Joy

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 1:1-9

Upon receiving Christ, we become chosen by God, we have an imperishable inheritance, and we have incredible security in our salvation. God desires we obey him for the long term out of love and not out of fear for the short term. I response to his incredible gifts and our security in him, we can live a life of inexpressible joy, and courage even through times of difficult trials.

Jesus and Zacchaeus

Ben Foust
Luke 19:1-10

The lesson we can learn from Jesus' interaction with Zacchaeus, the tax collector, is if you are lost, Jesus is seeking you. The way Jesus initiated with the this most hated man is typical of his posture toward all people. He showed him mercy, grace, honor, and acceptance, as well as included him in the family of God. Jesus' only prerequisite is to acknowledge your "lostness." Being "found" by Jesus dramatically changes the course of people's lives just as it did with Zacchaeus, who made four-fold restitution and gave away half his possessions after being "found."

Jesus' Invitations

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 3:17-20

In Revelation 3 Jesus speaks to the church of Laodicea, diagnosing people there as being financially rich, but spiritually poor. He invites them to come to him for true spiritual resources--forgiveness and a permanent relationship with God--saying it is as simple as welcoming him in. This offer stands for all people today. Those who respond by inviting Jesus into their heart will enjoy a richer life connected to God and enjoying spiritual resources and growth through him.

Things God has Done for Us

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 1:1-9

Peter in 1 Peter 1 opens his first letter with a description of the things God has done for us who are in Christ. God has chosen us, set us apart. He has sprinkled us with the blood of Christ, allowing us to be spiritually reborn. We and all his promises to us are kept safe and secure by the power of God. We have the healing of our souls so damaged by sin. And finally we have the gift of suffering, which among other things, teaches us to truly depend upon God and not ourselves.

Christ Our Savior

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:12-22

This passage summarizes in a nutshell the entire story of the Bible. It encapsulates who Christ is and what he has done as King, Creator and Redeemer. As King, he has enabled fallen man to be transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of the Son. As Redeemer, he has reconciled us by paying the debt we could never pay. As Creator, he is the source of regeneration from death into life, a new life.

Jesus and Saul

Ben Foust
Acts 9:1-27

The story of Saul's radical transformation from an enemy of God who persecuted the early church with vengeance to his becoming the foremost evangelist who died proclaiming the Good News is a showcase for how God's grace and mercy can change anyone, even the one who is least likely in our eyes. Sometimes our spiritual passions are misplaced and don't align with God's plans for us. God's mercy and grace is nothing short of scandalous. No one is too much an enemy of God to be accepted by God. His invitation stand today for each and every person.

Jesus and John

Ben Foust
Revelation 1

When John meets the risen Jesus in Revelation Chapter One, he falls face-down like a dead man. Jesus's appearance was so brilliantly different from the man he knew during Jesus' earthly ministry that John was awe-struck. Can this be the same man? Is Jesus the gentle lamb who is relational and approachable? Or is he the fearsome lion of Judah who will judge the earth? Is he immanent or transcendent? The answer is he is both! He is both king and friend which qualifies him to be our savior.

Jesus' Invitations:John 7

Gary DeLashmutt
John 7:37-39

Jesus makes an invitation to be transformed from a state of need and lack to a state of abundance. His target audience is anyone who acknowledges his spiritual thirst. His claim is that He alone is the Messiah. He summons all to make a decision for Him. He promises to give to anyone, who comes to Him to quench his thirst, the Holy Spirit to indwell within him.

Jesus and the Woman in the Crowd

Ben Foust
Mark 5:21-43

The story of the woman in the crowd who had a bleeding disorder demonstrates that Jesus is a man of compassion, the healer of hopeless situations, the inviter of outcasts, the rewarder of faith, and that Jesus' power is absolutely adequate. Sickness and death are symbols of our alienation from God. Jesus' power over them is proof he has the power to fulfill his mission to reconcile us. All of us will encounter hopeless situations at some time. When that happens, Jesus invites us to put our faith, however small it might be, in him.