The Days of Noah

Scott Risley
1 Peter 3:17-20

Like in the days of Noah when God patiently waited for people to turn to Him, so too does God long to rescue us today. In the days of Noah, God had Noah build an ark to rescue people and animals from the impending judgment of a flood. Today, we have the finished work that Christ accomplished on the cross, taking our judgment upon Himself. Instead of boarding a boat, we can simply put our trust in Jesus to save us.

Suffering for Doing What Is Right

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 3:17-4:5

Peter uses the story of Noah to illustrate that it is better to suffer for doing right than for doing wrong. Noah endured about a hundred years of mockery for building a boat in a land that never saw rain. But Noah faithfully continued to build the ark and preached righteousness. Peter explains the ark saving the righteous from the judgment of the flood symbolized how Jesus is our ark who saves us from God's judgment through His resurrection. Water baptism does not save anyone, but it is a symbol of your salvation if you have put your faith in Jesus.

Avoiding Judgment

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 3:18-21

In 1 Peter 3, Peter uses the analogy of Noah and his family being saved when they were put into the ark. Noah, his family and all the animals were saved from judgment when they entered the ark. Jesus is like the ark. When you are put into Him, you escape judgment. Jesus said if anyone hears His word, and believes who sent Him, has eternal life, and does not come into judgment, but passes out of death into life.

Jesus' Invitations:John 6

Gary DeLashmutt
John 6:53-56

In John 6, Jesus challenges His listeners to prioritize spiritual food over temporal, perishable food. Only God's Messiah can provide this spiritual food. The only condition one must fulfill is to believe in God's Messiah, Jesus. Jesus is the sole source of spiritual life for all of humanity. Call out to Him, acknowledge your hunger, and ask Him to satisfy it and He will abundantly.

The "Who" of the Gospel: Jesus

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:15-23

Paul teaches the Colossian church about the supremacy of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the unique and perfect revelation of God. He is also the absolute owner of the entire universe and the sole redeemer of universe. It's from knowing who Jesus is that we can determine what he means for our lives. In this case, Jesus can save people and reconcile them to God through his work on the cross. Once that happens, as we focus on Jesus, we are able to see transformation in our lives.

The Power of the Word

Scott Risley
1 Peter 1:22-2:3

It is the Word of God that empowers us to do anything good. We can't truly love others on our own, but God's Word gives us a new nature capable of real love. Scripture gives us many word pictures for the Word; It is the seed, milk, solid food, bedrock foundation, an anchor for our souls, a mirror, a lamp, fire, a hammer, a sword, pure gold and silver, rain from heaven, and finally, the sweetest honey. The Word of God is the starting point for this new spiritual life God wants to give us. This Word is also the sustainer of this new life.

The Solution to Spiritual Starvation

James Rochford
1 Peter 1:23-2:3

The solution to spiritual starvation is to take in the Word of God on a regular basis just as we take in food to feed our bodies. Explore the Bible and discover what it claims it can do. Humble yourself and read the Word and you will discover it is transcendent truth, alive and active, and able to bring spiritual growth. Recognize your need for the Word and spend time in the Word and you will find yourself connecting with God.

Girding Our Minds for Action

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 1:10-22

Because of the multiple gifts God has given believers and the secret plan of God now revealed, gird your minds for action! We have a mission! Do you go for a self-serving lifestyle or do you go a different way where you refuse to conform to the world system? Learn about true, self-giving love by beginning with God's love.

Revealing God's Rescue

Scott Risley
1 Peter 1:1-9

Although we will go through various trials in this life, God does have a recue plan for those who believe in him. While this world is passing away and Christ could come back at any moment, God works through our suffering to reveal himself to us and through us. Through this refining work of suffering, the proof of our faith is revealed and will ultimately result in our praise and glory and honor.