Stick with Scripture

Scott Risley
2 Timothy 3:6-17

Paul reminds Timothy that it is normal that Christians will suffer in this life, but we can take the long view knowing that Scripture gives us the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Both Jesus and Paul taught that Scripture is inspired by God. False teachers on the other hand make up all kinds of strange and foolish ideas. God empowers Christians who stick with Scripture.

The Cross

Ryan Lowery
Romans 5:7-9

The cross of Christ is where God demonstrated His love for a rebellious and sinful people by sacrificing His son, Jesus, on the cross to pay for our sin debt. The cross allowed a way for a hopelessly sinful people to be reconciled to a perfect God. How absurd is it for Christians to be antisemitic and blame the Jews for Jesus' death! God's act of love at the cross should impact the way we view others.

A Solid Foundation in All Circumstances

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 2:8-26

Paul writes to Timothy to have hope in Christ, even if our circumstances our bad, reminding ourselves of our eternal salvation. He urges us to turn away from wickedness and watch out for false teachers. Lastly, Paul calls us to pursue a life of righteousness, peace, faith, and love so that we may be used as instruments to the Lord.

Long for the Word

Mike Sullivan
1 Peter 1:22-2:3

Peter exhorts us to long for the Word of God as a baby longs for its milk. We know physical bodies grow in response to physical nourishment. Spiritually, we grow from being nourished by the Word. Science and human knowledge can let us down but the Word of God endures forever. If you are struggling to get into reading the Bible, pray and ask God to open your eyes to see what we have in His Word.

Is There Good Evidence That Jesus Rose from the Dead?

James Rochford
1 Corinthians 15:3-8

All of the claims of the Christian faith hinge on whether Jesus rose from the dead, as the Bible claims. An honest evaluation of the the evidence--early sources, the empty tomb, the nature of Jesus' execution, the surprise of the resurrection, and eyewitnesses--leads one to see that it is a reasonable thing to conclude. If true, it opens the door for us to believe and receive Jesus' offer to give us eternal life, something we can never earn for ourselves through good works.

The Mind-set of "Alien" Christians

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Peter 1:10-21

When the Apostle Peter explained our place in God's plan of redemption, he reminds us God had a plan from the beginning of time to rescue us that was kept hidden until Jesus came to earth. Peter challenges us to have a battle mind-set. We have urgency because we are in a battle and on a mission that matters. We have confidence because we are secure in God who has already delivered us from judgment.

What Is the Purpose of the Old Testament Law?

Conrad Hilario
1 Timothy 1:6-16

It is a common misunderstanding of the Old Testament Law to believe it was a set of rules to live by in order to have the right to enter heaven upon one's death. The truth is it defines what is morally right and wrong for the purpose of demonstrating no one is moral or right enough to enter heaven based on their keeping the Law. God gave us the Law to lead us to Christ so that we could have the opportunity to receive His unmerited acceptance.

God's Invitation in Isaiah 55

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 55:1-13

Over seven hundred years before Jesus walked the earth, God was offering His invitation to the whole world to come the lavish feast He will prepare for those who accept His invitation. The invitation is offered to all but only those who accept it will partake of the banquet. To accept His invitation one only has to repent, which means to change one's mind about your path of alienation from God. Your invitation has already been paid for by Jesus' death on the cross.

The Path to Spiritual Maturity, Part 1

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:1-4

The path to spiritual maturity lies in keeping seeking the things above or the salvation that originates from God and Jesus. This involves increasing in your understanding and appreciation of what God has given you through Christ. And setting your mind on the things above. This involves keep clinging to God's provision rather than being seduced by false though-systems, feelings, etc. Keep Seeking is proactive and Set Your Mind is reactive.