God Our Savior

Jim Leffel
Titus 2:11-14

The human condition is a problem of lack of hope, of guilt, of alienation, and of purposelessness. But God is the solution to all of these problems. He gave Himself up for us so that He could redeem us, give us blessed hope, remove our guilt, purify us for His own and give us an eternal purpose.

God's Good News

Ben Foust
Romans 1:1-7

The book of Romans is the Good News of God about the essential issue of mankind. God has done something so that we can come to Him and have a right relationship with Him, in this life and the next. The Gospel is about Jesus, sent from the Father, born into the human race, evidenced by miracles, died on the cross and rose from the dead, and provided the way for all people to be reconciled to God.

The Summing Up of All Things in Christ

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 3:1-18

Paul explains the mystery God kept hidden from the beginning that He had a plan to reconcile Jews and Gentiles into one body. He kept secret that the Suffering Servant and the Conquering King were one and the same person but separated by time. He revealed all this in Jesus. God kept these things secret so Satan would go along with His plan to crucify Jesus at the right time, not realizing it would result in his own defeat.

The Mystery of Christ

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 3:1-11

God created man with freewill which led to a dilemma for God. He is both loving and just. He loves us but His justice demands he punish us for our sins. His enemies make accusations against his character. So, God kept secret His plan to resolve His dilemma for a time. At the right time, he revealed that Jesus would be the perfect substitute to pay for man's sins. Thus, He demonstrated His great love but also satisfied his justice.

Destruction to Destiny

Chris Hearty
Ephesians 2:1-10

Paul recalls that all believers were once separated from God and living lives of sin, but God, in his unfailing mercy, saved us while we were dead in our transgressions. Paul emphasizes that we are saved by grace and not works, and salvation is a gift from God, so we cannot boast about receiving it.

The Endless Privileges of Being United with Jesus

Chris Hearty
Ephesians 1:1-14

Starting off the book of Ephesians, Paul states that God has blessed His people with every spiritual blessing and gives us an eternal inheritance. He goes on to say that at the moment we put our faith in Christ, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit.

Peace with God

Ben Foust
Romans 5:1-11

Paul wraps up his extensive logical argument for God's offer of salvation, not through good works, but through receiving the gift of forgiveness through Jesus' payment on the cross. He finishes with a joyful celebration of all the good things that come to those who accept this gift, primarily peace with God. This peace opens the door to full, open access to God and hope for the future. All people who have received this gift should rejoice in these truths and fully explore them.

The Beneficial Results of Justification

Ben Foust
Romans 5:1-11

When we ask God to forgive our sins because of the work Jesus did on the cross, we are justified by faith. If the forgiveness of our sins was all we received at that moment, it would be more than enough! But justification is only the beginning of the many blessings God pours out upon us. He get peace with God, not just an end to hostility, but true reconciliation. We get the hope of future glory and so much more!

The Justifier

Ben Foust
Romans 3:10-31

In Romans 3 Paul argues that no person can claim righteousness before God--that even one sin renders them "guilty," and in fact, sin permeates people's lives. Paul says though you can be declared innocent or "justified" before God, not by being good enough, but by appropriating Jesus' payment for those sins--justification based on Jesus' righteousness, not our own. This approach gives us a way to constructively deal with our true guilt, not trying to deny the guilt or fix the guilt.