Can There Be Only One Way to God?

Gary DeLashmutt
John 14:6

Religious relativism is a self defeating view, the idea that there is no objective truth is an objective truth claim. The religions and beliefs of this world are diverse and contradictory. We should search for truth through our experience of the world around us and based on what we can know.

The Christian View of the Afterlife

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:19-26

Paul finds that faith in Jesus Christ offers a foundation of joy not found anywhere else. Through Jesus' forgiveness, Christians are provided deliverance from the fear of death, a new perspective in adverse circumstances, and motivation to serve God and other people. This is unlike anything other worldviews present. Christians have a God who is personal, who offers us assurance of salvation and eternal life, and who gives us plenty of evidence for His existence. This is what makes Christianity unique.

Jesus' Departure

Dennis McCallum
Acts 1:1-8

After Jesus' death and resurrection, Jesus gives his disciples the Great Commission, a call to go and make disciples of all the nations. We see that Christianity is not exclusive, and we are called to share God's offer of forgiveness with others, because Christ died for all sin. This begins a new chapter in God's eternal plan: knowledge of him was harbored amongst the nation of Israel, but now explodes outward to all people. When a church takes hold and actively participates in this mission, growth and excitement follow.

The Mystery of Grace

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 20:1-16

Jesus use the parable of the workers in the field to illustrate the mystery of God's grace. The parable reveals that anyone who wants to experience God's grace has to come with empty hands, knowing that they can do nothing to earn it. It also illustrates that an attitude of pride and self-righteousness that blocks people from accepting this free gift.\r\n

Sermon on the Mount (Part 3): Jesus and the Law

Dennis McCallum
Romans 3:19-24

Jesus made it clear to the Pharisees that their interpretation of the Law fell way short of God's. The Law wasn't meant to show people the path to righteousness, but to show people their sin and that they need God's grace. God's Law isn't something we can bend to fit our moral inclinations, but a strong moral law that shows people their moral inadequacy compared to God's perfect moral standard.