
Jim Leffel
Hebrews 10:26-31

The author of Hebrews gives a warning against "falling away" or to "go on sinning willfully" that might seem to threaten the idea of eternal security. In one case, the author is speaking of those who are convinced of spiritual truth but never choose to become believers. In the other case, the author is saying that those who keep on rejecting Jesus cannot be saved until they change their minds. Ultimately, faith for true believers has real content and is based on a concrete decision.

Why God Became Human

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 2:5-18

According to the Bible, man was made with incredible value and purpose, yet has insurmountable guilt and corruption. While we could never save ourselves, God sent Jesus to identify with us as a man in order to serve as our substitute. Jesus' became man in order to enable us to have: 1) a new family; 2) victory over death; and 3) the assurance that God can relate to us.

Jesus' Unique Conception

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 1:18-25

The birth of Jesus removes itself from being considered a myth by being deliberately lodged in history. This means that God really did come down in human form. There are several reasons that God did this: 1) to provide evidence that Jesus is the Messiah, fulfilling all of the prophecies along the way; and 2) to provide salvation for the human race as a substitute. This knowledge prompts the response of entrusting ourselves to God.

The Final Judgment

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 20:11-15

All people without a relationship with God will stand before His Great White Throne to face judgment for their rebellion. At face value, most people understandably find this event horrifying, but God's righteousness and goodness are actually demonstrated in His willingness to judge evil. God doesn't force Himself on anyone, but rather allows people a choice. If you've chosen to accept Jesus's free gift of forgiveness, you can take comfort in the fact that you are completely safe from this judgment!

The Great Tribulation: God's Judgmental and Redemptive Activity

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 6-16

John describes what we can expect in the end times: God's judgmental and redemptive acts. God allows humanity to rebel against Him, but one day He will reluctantly alienate those who do not accept His leadership. His desire, however, is for people to turn toward Him. So, while in the final days He will act as judge, He will also reach out to people in extraordinary ways to reveal the path to salvation.

The Woman at the Well

Dennis McCallum
John 4:1-42

Jesus interacts with a Samaritan woman who was drawing water from a well. He reveals who he is by telling her things about her life. He claims he can give her living water. When she realizes he is the Messiah, she is so excited that she stops what she is doing and runs to town to tell people. Jesus offers salvation to all people, even those who think they are the worst sinners.\r\n

Spiritual Rebirth

Dennis McCallum
Numbers 21:8-9

Jesus has a conversation with a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Jesus explains that the way to the kingdom of God is through spiritual rebirth. Those who put their faith in Jesus Christ receive eternal life.\r\n

The Last Passover

Jim Leffel
Mark 14:22-25

During Jesus' last days he teaches his disciples during the Passover dinner - a significant ritual celebrating God's judgment passing over the Israelites due to an innocent lamb's sacrifice. Looking deep into the Passover we see the reminder of man's failure and God's solution. The Passover was a picture of Christ's ultimate sacrifice and payment for sin.

Legalism and Grace

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 5:1

Jesus and Paul both took strong stances against the pharisaic teaching that our moral decisions could make us righteous in God's eyes. When any works are added to the Gospel of grace, it is no longer the gospel. As we have been saved by God's grace, we can communicate the Gospel in the context of gracious relationships.