Why Jesus Became a Human

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 2:5-18

Hebrews makes the case that Jesus is greater than any person or institution. This second chapter provides understanding about why this is: because of his sacrifice in order to rescue humanity. The necessity of Christ to become human is explained in three reasons: 1) to regain humanity's lost dominion over the earth (prevailing where Adam failed in the fall), 2) to die in our place for the guilt of our sins(allowing us to join God's family), and 3) to help us when we suffer (since he, himself, knows what it means to suffer).

Is John Saying Christians Don't Sin?

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 3:5-9

John's teaching raises the question of whether there can be Christians who commit sins. The idea that Christians can cease sinning is taught against clearly in other parts of Scripture. Instead, John is combating false teachers who intentionally sinned in a habitual lifestyle without remorse. These false teachers lived sexually immoral lives and yet taught their followers that they were above sexual immorality, further affirming their false teaching and hypocrisy. Those who are truly known by Christ are eager to share his message with others, have a sensitized conscience, are eager to hear from God's Word, and have a growing love for other Christians. This stands in contrast to the false teachers John was arguing against.


Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 12:1-2

Paul explained that our earthly bodies are temporary, but we will soon have eternal bodies. Christians will spend eternity in the new Heaven and the new Earth and it will be far better than our current lives. We should keep these truths in mind when we think about our lives here on Earth; everything here is so temporary. The afterlife is where our best life lies.

Servants of a New Covenant

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 34:29-34

Paul explained that through Christ the veil of the law has been lifted and now we relate to God through grace. Christ died for all of our sins and now we can view our relationship with God as something where we draw near to Him and depend on Him, rather than trying to try to justify ourselves to Him. God's grace offers us freedom and peace as we work with Him.

Walking in the Light

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 1:5-2:2

God is light and as such, having fellowship with Him requires walking in the light. As Christians, we must appreciate that God is righteous and His instructions have moral authority in our lives. Living in fellowship with God requires an appreciation for His righteousness, along with learning to humbly and honestly cooperate with Him as we encounter sin in our lives. As we respond to God's correction in our lives, we can enjoy deepened fellowship with God and others.

There's Still Room at the Dinner Party

Jim Leffel
Luke 14:16-24

The mission God has given His people is to go out and spread His message. Studies have shown that the American church is not growing, but possibly just moving members around from one church to another. However, God says there is plenty of room for more people, just like in the parable of the wedding banquet! So what is the problem? Find out what Jim Leffel has to say could be holding people back from God and what we can do about it.\r\n

Three Events During Jesus' Crucifixion

Gary DeLashmutt
Daniel 12:1-2

Three unique events occurred during Jesus' crucifixion. The first event was darkness falling over the land for three hours during the middle of the day. During this three hours of darkness Jesus was experiencing God's wrath and judgment for humanities sins. The second event that occurred was the curtain hanging in the Temple was torn in two. This curtain symbolized that God is Holy and we are unable to have access to Him. God tore the Temple curtain in two after Jesus' death because we now can have access to God through Jesus' perfect and final sacrifice. The third event was a powerful earthquake that revealed empty tombs. This event showed that Jesus being God had conquered the power of death for all who put their faith in Him.\r\n

Two Crucial Decisions

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 10:9

In Jesus' ministry he calls on His disciples to make two crucial decisions. He calls on us to make these same two crucial decisions. The first is who do you say that Jesus is? Have you accepted Him as your personal Lord and savior? The second decision is the choice to follow Christ daily. This includes choosing to reject the right to run your own life in order to follow Jesus and choosing to endure hostility from others because of your loyalty to Jesus. Each decision we make holds great consequences when it comes to the outcome of our life now and in eternity.

What About Israel? (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Romans 10-11

God has ushered in a unique time of human history when He will work through the nations to accomplish His purposes. Nevertheless, God has not forgotten Israel and is committed to using them in the future. His future plan brings to light the principles of understanding versus hearing, where the Jewish people stand in terms of God's grace, and what happens to people who haven't heard about Christ. God's relentless love is pursuing all people through the message of Jesus Christ.