The Mystery of Christ Revealed (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 2:6-9

Colossians explains the mystery of Christ that is hidden throughout Old Testament times. In this mystery, a messiah or savior was predicted to come to redeem the people of Israel. Therefore, the people expected a powerful, governmental ruler who would free them from their adversaries. However, there is another character described throughout the Old Testament: the suffering servant. At first glance, it seems that these are two different persons. However, the mystery is that they are both the same person, Jesus Christ. Why was this hidden as a secret during Old Testament times? So that God's plan would be fulfilled by the cross.

Grace Confirmed By the Old Testament

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 3:6-29

The Judaizers were so successful in leading the Galatians away from the Gospel because it appeared that the Old Testament agreed with them rather than Paul's message of grace alone. Because of this, Paul explains how people in the Old Testament gained God's acceptance through faith alone, just as in the New Testament. He also explains the purpose of the law - not as a book of rules to follow but a guide to point out sin and the need for grace.

Grace Confirmed By Experience

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 3:1-5

While Paul was arguing that acceptance by God comes through faith alone, the Judaizers were teaching the Galatians that faith was not enough. They claimed that keeping God's law was also necessary to gain God's acceptance. Paul continues his argument to keep the Galatian people from drifting from the true Gospel. His argument includes: personal experience of grace and the Holy Spirit as a mark of secure acceptance.

Two Objections to God's Grace

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 2:15-21

Paul starts his arguments against the Judaizers on the topic of grace. Paul passionately addresses their objections, believing that this is the most important topic to drive home. The two objections are: 1) grace is unjust because it makes my good works meaningless, and 2) grace is dangerous because it promotes moral laxness.

Grace is Pardon

Jim Leffel
Galatians 2:11-21

Paul rebukes Peter for his hypocrisy and how his actions don't communicate the truth of the gospel to Jews and Gentiles. The grace of God motivates people to obey God based on total undeserved acceptance and contrasts legalism, where acceptance before God is based on our works or by obeying the law. The gospel pardons sinners by justifying based on Christ's righteousness and unites us with Christ, allowing us to live radically new lives based on a new identity in Christ. Living lives based on being pardoned by God's grace will be characterized by genuine love, gratitude, and a positive focus because of God's mercy.

Paul: Revolutionary of Grace

Jim Leffel
Galatians 1:10-2:10

Paul combats the Judaizers by defending the message of the Gospel of God. Paul uses his own personal testimony as direct revelation of God and evidence for the real life-transforming power of grace, which not only transformed his motivation but was also accepted by the apostles of Jesus Christ. The grace of God called Paul into a life of radical service for God and others, reflecting God's compassion and mercy towards a zealous sinner. It also cost Paul much of what he once thought was valuable, as the message of grace showed him that God's purposes were bigger. This teaching also includes a testimony by Mary Barnum highlighting the offensiveness of the gospel message.

Christianity at the Crossroads

Jim Leffel
Galatians 1:1-9

Paul begins his letter to the Galatians, where he emphatically argues for the truth found in the Gospel, as legalistic Judaizers were trying to distort God's message of salvation. The true Gospel says that humans are incapable of being righteous before God, but through Jesus Christ they can have eternal life by asking for God's mercy to apply to them, apart from works. The false teachers Paul was combating added obedience to the law as means to salvation and growing with God, a theological debate that has plagued Christianity. The difference between works and faith is wide-spread in areas including: 1) our approach to God; 2) our acceptability; 3) our spiritual state; 4) the real issue between us and God; and 5) the power to live.

Withstanding Falsehood

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 3:8-4:4

What is the main purpose of the Bible? Where did the Bible come from? Why would we believe that it is truly God-breathed? Believing in the Bible is all or nothing; disbelieving in part of it discredits the whole thing. No credible scholar argues that the Bible isn't historically true. The Bible was also recognized as scripture by the apostles, the early church, and Jesus himself. If the Bible is true, then Jesus is truly the resurrected Messiah.

The Cross

Dennis McCallum
Mark 14:32-15:34

The most important event in human history occurred when Jesus Christ went to the cross. Jesus' crucifixion was the epitome of physical torment, and included being stripped naked and flogging. Not only that, but Jesus endured spiritual torment by taking on God's wrath to pay for humanity's sin. Jesus paid the certificate of death for all humanity in the greatest demonstration of sacrificial love. As Christians, the cross is a constant reminder of God's love for us and something we should thank God for regularly. For those who aren't Christians, making a decision about Jesus' work on the cross is the most important decision to make.