Jesus: Authenticated and Unique

Dennis McCallum
Luke 3:23-38

The gospel of Matthew, written by Matthew the tax collector, begins by examining the genealogy of Jesus Christ. Beginning with Abraham, the genealogies mentioned go through Abraham's descendants to the tribe of Judah, leading to the line of David. The genealogies seem to not line up with Jesus coming from David because of the line of Jeconiah, but after careful examination, it's clear that Jesus came from the line of Heli, Mary's father. An understanding of Jewish law denotes that Jesus would inherit what came from his adoptive father, Joseph, thus settling the apparent contradiction in genealogies. Through the genealogies, we see Jesus as a predicted son of Abraham, Jacob, David and even adopted into the inheritance, fulfilling many Old Testament prophecies concerning him. This genealogy points out God's control and sovereignty over human history to enact His marvelous plan of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Vision of Future Glory

Jim Leffel
Daniel 12:1-4

In Daniel's vision of the angel Michael, he is told that all people will live forever and will be accountable for what they've done. Jesus' resurrection contains a promise that those who receive his free gift of salvation will be put into the Book of Life and raised to eternal life. Those who are raised will be glorified, receiving a restored body, identity, character, and knowledge. God's vast record of fulfilled promises assures us that He will fulfill His word about these things.

The Critical Divide

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 2:11-16

The early church has to settle the critical issue about circumcision. Paul and Barnabas were sharply disputing that circumcision isn't needed for salvation, something men of Judea were preaching. Peter declares that people are saved by faith in Jesus Christ. The conclusion from this dispute was to not have heavy burdens on the Gentiles and to reject legalism and circumcision, but to abstain from sexual immorality, food polluted by idols, and meat of strangled animals. This would allow for contextualization and not put further barriers for the gospel between Jews and Gentiles. The focus of Christianity should be on the life-transforming power of God's grace, as opposed to man-made legalism. Radical grace should continue to be the focus of our lives as Christians.

A Servant's Heart

Jim Leffel
Acts 17:25-26

Paul calls us to pray for other people, this is a major way we can love and serve other people through God's power. While praying for others we can also develop a deeper love and understanding of them as God shares His perspective of them with us. God has done all the work to initiate a relationship with us, and all we have to do is accept His free gift of salvation. As Christians God empowers us to share this incredibly important message.

The What of the Gospel (Part 1)

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:13-14

Paul re-directs the Colossians focus to the Gospel, the message of Jesus' forgiveness and what he did for all people on the cross. The reason all people need Jesus' forgiveness is due to our objective moral debt before God, which makes all of us spiritually dead before Him. In spite of this, God provided Jesus Christ to pay for our debt so that we could enter into a free relationship with Him. Because Jesus Christ was God-incarnate, his payment on the cross has infinite value and covers all of our wrongdoings. Applying God's forgiveness allows Christians to have a cleansed conscience to love and serve others because of God's approval of us.

Gospel and Cross

Jim Leffel
Psalms 22:1

The crucifixion is an event supported by history and an understanding of modern biology. Christ's death was clearly intentional, and accomplished the Messiah's mission to offer humanity a chance to be saved. While one could take the cross as foolishness or a scandal, the Bible declares that the cross is the ultimate expression of God's love.

The Gentile Pentecost

Dennis McCallum
Acts 10:1-48

Cornelius, a centurion and God-fearing man, has a vision from God telling him to find Peter. Peter himself falls into a trance, as God shows him the new way of relating to those previously seen as "unclean" now that Christ has come. Through the conversation between Peter and Cornelius, it becomes clear that the vision and trance were meant to communicate that all people are able to access God now through the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. The principle of this encounter is that God has orchestrated His new plan, that through the church, the gospel of Jesus Christ can break through prejudices, traditions, and arbitrary absolutes.

Gospel and the Last Supper

Jim Leffel
Mark 14:12-26

The last supper has an important historical and prophetic meaning as it is symbolizes the pattern of salvation. Just as the Passover lamb was a substitution and a ransom for sin, Christ gave himself as a ransom to save mankind. Today, the last supper is memorialized in communion, a time to remember the work of Christ. Applying God's grace this way in our inner lives allows us to go from bondage to freedom.

Paul: God's Radical

Dennis McCallum
Acts 9:1-19

While on the road to Damascus, the Pharisee Saul encounters Jesus Christ. Saul was a very zealous and wealthy citizen that studied under Gamaliel and was a member of the Sanhedrin. Jesus asks Paul why he continues to persecute his church and tells him to go to Damascus to await further instructions. From Damascus, it's revealed that God has selected Paul to be His witness to the Gentiles with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. From this encounter with Jesus, Paul realized his own belief system had been wrong, and that real purpose came through Jesus Christ, along with personal salvation. As a result, Paul wasn't afraid to lose everything for the sake of God's work progressing.