The Heart of the Matter

Jim Leffel
Jeremiah 2:1-6:30

God condemns the Israelites for turning away from Him and attempting to fulfill themselves with meaningless things. Jeremiah calls for Israel to return to God based on His love for them, not based on their worthiness. This passage point to God's character of love and his future plans to us to be reconciled to Him through Christ.

The Tabernacle

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 25:1-8

The Tabernacle was a scale model of the heavenly reality. It communicated God's desire to have a relationship with His creation but that there were barriers that prevented them from drawing near to Him. The Tabernacle was a powerful symbol of how He would remove those barriers by the the work of His Son Jesus.

The Role of the Law

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 20:12-17

Because God demands absolute moral perfection, no one can ever be made right with God by following the Law. Even in the Old Testament, people were saved by faith and not by following the Law. Christians are not under the Law because Jesus fulfilled the Law for us, but the Law is useful for giving us a moral orientation.

The Tenth Plague

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 11:12

The powerful way God foreshadowed the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross by the tenth plague of the deaths of the first-born sons in Egypt is a prophetic reminder through the ages of God's desire to save us. God gave the Passover message to strengthen our faith in Jesus and to give faith to those who are not yet Christians.

Jesus' Conception

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 1:26-38

The elements of the conception of Jesus mirror the steps to becoming a Christian. Just as God initiated the encounter with Mary, God also initiates a relationship with non-Christians. God offered to Mary to indwell her with the Son of God, so too does God offer the Holy Spirit to live in our hearts. Mary could have refused the offer, but in faith, she accepted it. Our part is to believe God's offer of salvation and accept it.

One More Plague

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 11-12

The story of the Exodus where God rescues His people from the slavery of Egypt is a typology of God's bigger plan to rescue all of mankind from the slavery to sin. The details of the Passover Meal that commemorate the Exodus all point forward to the work Jesus would do to save us from judgment.

The Armor of God

Scott Risley
Ephesians 6:10-24

A spiritual battle rages around us that is a battle for truth with eternal consequences. We are called to stand firm not by our own strength but in the Lord's. We are to take up the full armor of God to withstand the schemes of the devil. We are to rely on God's truth, His righteousness, the peace that comes from the Gospel, faith, salvation, the Word, and prayer.

The Full Armor of God

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 6:10-24

Paul warns his audience that their struggle is not against other humans but evil spiritual forces, namely Satan. We need to be prepared to fight with the Word of God's truth, relying not on our own righteousness but on Christ's righteousness. The full armor of God consists of truth, righteousness (Christ's), gospel of peace, faith, salvation, the Word of God and finally, prayer.

Spiritual Warfare

James Rochford
Ephesians 6:10-20

Satan's strategies include manipulation, exaggerating offenses and hurt feelings, fueling temptation, and nurturing suspicion. The Christian's strategy to stand against his schemes is to put on the full armor of God. The belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, feet fitted with the readiness of the Gospel, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit make up the full armor of God.