God Is A Patient Judge

Ryan Lowery
Luke 12:35-13:9

God's judgment is often misunderstood and misinterpreted. The pattern across the Bible is that God does judge, but only after giving tons of warnings. The Biblical explanation for why bad things happen to "good" people lies in three principles: 1) there are no good people; 2) we are subject to the choices of others; and 3) the world itself is broken. God gives everyone the opportunity to be exempt from His judgment through the free gift of salvation.

The Holy Spirit & The World

Jeff Gordon
John 16:5-12

When Jesus was speaking with his disciples, he told them that it was to their benefit that he leave to go with the Father in Heaven. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to be their helper. The Holy Spirit has come into the world not only to be the helper to Jesus' followers, but to convict the world. The Holy Spirit comes to help in assuring our relationship with God, revealing God's Word, personally leading people with empowerment, and revealing the love of God to others. \r\n

Meeting the Logos

Dennis McCallum
John 1:1-12

John, a disciple and close friend of Jesus Christ, wrote this gospel to a Greco-Roman audience explaining who Jesus Christ is. Jesus Christ is described by John as "the Word" or the direct revelation of God who is infinite, self-existent and personal and took on humanity for the sake of those who have rebelled against Him. He did this so that through his work on the cross, people could have eternal life. This teaching has a video clip from Joseph Campbell: "When God and Nature Are One."\r\n

First Mission to the Gentiles (Part 3) The Jerusalem Council

Jim Leffel
Galatians 2:11-16

Paul and Barnabas go up to Jerusalem to figure out the issue of salvation and how it pertains to circumcision, something the Judaizers had begun teaching to others. The issue being discussed among the Council was if circumcision was necessary across cultures, and not simply for the sect of the Jewish people. Paul, Barnabas, Peter and James all come to agreement that God saved people through grace, not by circumcision or works of the Law. They want to encourage the Gentiles to use their freedom in Christ to love others.

The Good Samaritan

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 22:34-40

When a scribe asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, he reveals a faulty religious approach to God that depends on doing good things to earn acceptance. Jesus answers with a parable designed to show him that he needs forgiveness. Part of Jesus' parable shows that God values our compassion and service towards the needy.

Parable of the Soils

Ryan Lowery
Luke 8:4-15

According to the parable of the soils, there are four possible responses to the gospel: 1) allowing God's enemy to snatch it away, which does not result in salvation; 2) receiving it and allowing temporary change, but falling away into temptation; 3) receiving it, but failing to prioritize it over the world; and 4) letting it sink deep and flourish, resulting in perseverance and fruitfulness. It is entirely up to the individual what kind of soil they will be.

God's Building Project

Scott Risley
1 Peter 2:4-10

Peter uses the analogy of a building to explain that a believer is to live in community with other believers. Christ is the cornerstone and believers are living stones that are part of the spiritual house God is building. God says the cornerstone (Christ) is choice and precious: some choose to believe in Him, leading to salvation; for others Christ is a stumbling block and rejecting Him leads to destruction. God wants us to willingly play our part in the spiritual community he is building rather than live autonomous individualistic lives.

Living Water

Gary DeLashmutt
John 4:1-41

Jesus initiates a conversation with a Samaritan woman drawing water out of a well and tells her about "living water". Living water is a synonym for salvation that comes from Jesus, it is abundantly available to whoever asks and is essential for spiritual life. The woman accepts Jesus and immediately shares the news with her village. Our greatest privilege is sharing this living water with others and the act of sharing is very important for a vibrant spiritual life.

3 Examples of Faith

Ryan Lowery
Luke 7:36-50

The Biblical definition of faith means trusting and living out God's promises and priorities. In the example of the Roman centurion, Jesus proves that faith trumps demographics. Simon the Pharisee judged Jesus rather than seeing his own failure. Finally, the sinful woman let nothing stand between her and meeting Christ, and as a result, found forgiveness from him.