The Bread of Life

Dennis McCallum
John 6:22-69

After feeding the multitude, Jesus approaches the crowds and calls out their attitude for following him to receive temporal blessings. Jesus explains he is worth pursuing because he offers eternal life to those who believe. Jesus then shows how he is the Bread of Life, a metaphor showing the he is the ultimate source of fulfillment in our lives. People need to consider if they will look to Jesus to meet their needs or try and run their lives by themselves. It's important to note that this passage is not describing communion or needing to replace Jesus with human priests, based on the text itself, along with the historical, conceptual and theological context.

Who Does God Think He Is?

Ryan Lowery
Luke 20:9-19

Many fail to see how God could have the right to judge. To answer these objections, Jesus tells a parable about a vineyard to illustrate God's perspective on the human condition. God is the creator of all things, and has given us the purpose of love. Though God has sent ambassadors, including His own son, we have killed them. While God has the right to destroy us, He has extended us an offer of merciful forgiveness. We should acknowledge God's right to lead us, proclaim the truth boldly like Christ, and remember that we are God's adopted children.

The Triumphal Entry

Ryan Lowery
Zechariah 9:9-10

Though Jesus is the promised Messiah, he rides into Jerusalem humbly on a donkey. God is trying to say both that He is not like us, and also that peace and love are spread by a show of restraint and humility, not by power. Jesus came not to conquer Rome, but to pay the penalty of sin on the cross. We should seek to understand this incredible victory as we prepare our friends and family for his next coming.

Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Ryan Lowery
Luke 18:9-17

Many believe that religion teaches you to think that you are better than others, but Jesus teaches that God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble. The Pharisee of Jesus' parable thanks God that he is better than others, but fails to realize that he cannot stand before God. The tax collector, however, understands that his only option is to plead for mercy from God. We should remember the incredible grace that God showed us when we were saved.

The Woman at the Well

Dennis McCallum
John 4:1-42

Jesus meets a woman at a well while traveling through the town of Samaria. This woman was rejected amidst society and had already had five husbands, and yet Jesus chooses to move towards her. During their conversation, Jesus explains that what the woman really needs is living water that will lead to eternal life. When the woman discovers who she is talking with, she goes and tells everyone in the nearby town. Jesus then tells his disciples that his real work is to accomplish the work of God and encourages them to do the same.

Spiritual Rebirth

Dennis McCallum
John 3:1-18

Jesus has a conversation with Nicodemus, a wealthy Pharisee and part of the Sanhedrin, who was both an important political and religious figure in Jesus' time. However, through their interaction, Jesus points out to Nicodemus his need of a new spiritual birth. Jesus then points out the need to believe the testimony of the Son of Man, and that whoever believes in the Son of God will have eternal life. This is the main message of the Bible for people today, that God in his love sent Jesus Christ to pay for all the moral wrongdoing of all people so that we could have a free, personal relationship with God.

Communicating Christ Cross-Culturally

Jim Leffel
Acts 17:16-34

On his second missionary journey, Paul waits for Silas and Timothy in Athens, where he interacts with Jews and Gentiles. Through their interactions, there are some principles with how to communicate about Christ with people from different cultures: 1) spiritual sensitivity; 2) earning the right to be heard through humility and grace; 3) communicating about who God is and why that matters; and 4) presenting the Gospel as an answer for people's real needs.

God's Heart for the Lost

Ryan Lowery
Luke 15:1-32

Jesus tells three parables to illustrate God's response when people rebel against Him. In the parables of the lost sheep and coin, Jesus shows that each person matters to God and that He rejoices when lost people are found. The parable of the prodigal son shows that God is overjoyed when we choose to repent and come home to Him. Jesus also illustrates the evil of hypocrites who judge others by their sin.

Jesus' Pattern

Dennis McCallum
John 1:6-51

At the beginning of Jesus' ministry, the first person John recounts testifying about Jesus is John the Baptist, who pointed people to Jesus once he began His earthly ministry. Jesus gathers followers (disciples) as He begins his earthly ministry. This is the pattern in which Jesus accomplishes God's work, by developing spiritually mature people to independently do God's work once he leaves. Both Jesus and John the Baptist modeled humility and pointing people towards God and His forgiveness.