Eternity Future

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 20:6-22:21

The last piece of John's vision shows Satan being released from his prison. He spends his time deceiving people before being cast into the lake of fire eternally. Those who died are all before God, and he judges them according to their works or by Christ's death, depending on which book their name is in. The Book of Life contains the names of all the people who accepted Christ's death as their payment for sin. Everyone else joins Satan. John sees the new Heaven and Earth brought to life, and God dwells among the people who live there in eternal beauty and security.

The Return of the King

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 19:1-20:6

John's vision shows Heaven cheering at the defeat of Babylon. The triumph of Christ causes worship and celebration. Satan is bound and thrown into a bottomless pit for a time (before he will need to be released again). This vision paints the picture of the ultimate celebration in Heaven, beginning with the return of Christ!

Jesus Our Rescuer

Mike Sullivan
Colossians 1:13-23

False teachers infiltrated the church at Colossae and were leading them away from focusing on Jesus and the gospel. Paul clearly communicates to them that Jesus rescued them from a very desperate spiritual situation. Jesus alone is uniquely qualified to rescue. Just like the Colossians, we must get educated and be convinced of our faith and then stay focused on Jesus and His rescue or we will drift away!

The Transformation Christ Brings

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:9-14

People come to know God through humbly receiving what He has revealed. After this, we can begin to walk in a way that is pleasing to Him. Walking with God manifests in four ways: 1) bearing fruit; 2) growing in knowledge of God; 3) being strengthened for endurance; and 4) joyful gratitude.

Introduction: Good News!

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:1-8

Paul in his letter to the Colossians focuses on the person of Christ, the work of Christ, and life in Christ. He begins by describing how the good news has to do with grace, transforms people, spreads naturally, and should be urgently considered. Jared Harrop shared his testimony about the way that the good news changed his life after he was led to Christ by the Fulford family.

Lessons on Prayer

Ryan Lowery
Acts 12:1-17

When Peter is arrested and put on death row, God miraculously saves him as an answer to prayer. There are four principles about prayer to be learned: 1) God does not always answer prayer; 2) persistence in prayer is important; 3) corporate prayer is important; and 4) it is important not to miss answered prayers.


Jenny Hale
Revelation 22

Building off of John's description of the New Jerusalem, this passage describes the incredible future that awaits Christians in Heaven. Among the qualities listed are no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain; no more evil; and God's presence forever! This knowledge of eternity should affect Christians by encouraging them to want to see more people there with them. It also allows Christians to know that their suffering is temporary.

I Will Make Everything New

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 21:1-6

Expanding on John's vision of the New Jerusalem, this passage and other verses referenced explain many other things that God will make new. These apply to Christians and include a new standing before God, a new relationship with Him, a new role and purpose, a new community and destiny, and a new power. This is something to anticipate and be excited about, and it is open to anyone who hears this message and responds.

Revelation and Christmas

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 21

Continuing to consider Heaven, this passage brings one to consider why God would welcome sinners into Heaven. Through this and other verses in the Bible, it is clear that He does this out of a desire to relate with His people. God created people in His image, and He worked through them to restore their relationship with Him. The new "Temple" is revealed to be God now dwelling with His people, instead of separately from them. There is a large reference from Tozer's "The Pursuit of God".