The Resurrection

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 15:3-8

The historical accuracy of Jesus' resurrection is of utmost importance as it authenticates Jesus' teachings and his place as Lord. It's historicity is attested to from prophecy, logic within the Bible, and sources outside the material. It's essential for all of us to examine the evidence, understand how the resurrection affirms forgiveness through faith, and respond in faith.

Failing to Grow

Chris Hearty
1 Corinthians 3:15

Our relationship with God is not static, and Christians can fail to progress in their spiritual growth by refusing to listen to God and others' counsel in their lives. A growing Christian, on the other hand, is accustomed to the Word through study of the truths of the Bible and personal application of his or her knowledge. Growing Christians are also committed to understanding God's grace, as the author of Hebrews demonstrates by correcting his audience for returning to Old Testament rituals once again.

No Give On the Gospel

Gary DeLashmutt
Galatians 1:6-9

Paul defends the Gospel against false teaching put forth by the Judaizers. Paul's passion against false teaching is reflective of God's response to false teaching. If jeopardizing people's physical health is a grave problem, how much more is jeopardizing people's spiritual well-being? Adding works to the Gospel reverses the Gospel so that it is no longer good news. The Gospel brings life and this message is more important than its messenger.

Two Ways

Mike Sullivan
John 3:16-19

Each person has a choice between what Jesus calls the ?narrow way? and the ?broad way,? and each route has its own ramifications for how people will live now and where they will spend eternity. Jesus says that most people will choose the broad way because of the influence of false teachers, but he also gives criteria for our evaluation of such teachers and encourages his hearers to act on his truthful teachings instead.

Purpose of Luke

Jim Leffel
Luke 15:11-32

Luke lays out his purpose, approach, and method for recording the life of Jesus. The book of Luke was written to persuade Theophilus about who Christ is. He presents evidence for Christ from the Old Testament and gives first-hand accounts with historical accuracy. This book means to present evidence for Jesus Christ as the Savior and show lost people their need for him.

Jesus' Unique Conception

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 1:18-25

The birth of Jesus removes itself from being considered a myth by being deliberately lodged in history. This means that God really did come down in human form. There are several reasons that God did this: 1) to provide evidence that Jesus is the Messiah, fulfilling all of the prophecies along the way; and 2) to provide salvation for the human race as a substitute. This knowledge prompts the response of entrusting ourselves to God.

Why I'm happy to be with God

Dennis McCallum
Psalms 103:1-22

What should I be living for? There are things that we give lots of time and money to. What will the worth of our physical wealth and presence be when we are gone? God has revealed the outcome of our eternal life and without sufficient payment for our sins, we are destined to be apart from him for eternity. God has already finished His plans to redeem us, and that is through His son's death on the cross, which allows us to live eternally in His presence.

Two Ways to Enter God's Kingdom

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 5:17-48

?How can I gain entry into God's kingdom?? This age-old question has two answers from Jesus Himself. The first answer, or Plan A, is to earn one's way into heaven by fulfilling God's Law perfectly, a worldview that Jesus' audience held dearly and that most still hold today. The second answer, or Plan B, is to let Jesus earn one's way in by His perfect fulfillment of God's Law, and although this answer is offensive, it provides true hope through the promise of the Holy Spirit.

Fight the Good Fight

Jim Leffel
1 Timothy 6:12-16

In his letter to Timothy, Paul encourages him to fight the good fight to manifest the truth and life of Christ. Jesus' sacrifice offers a new life that Christians most choose to live out. An understanding of the character of God is essential.