Surprising News About the Kingdom of God

Scott Risley
Luke 13:18-34

Jesus uses the analogies of a seed, yeast, and a gate to describe the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is not what was expected: 1) It starts in a slow, gradual way; 2) not everyone will get in, and 3) Christ is saddened by our rejection of Him. God longs to gather everyone to Himself and He gives everyone that choice.

Religion Isn't Enough

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 6:9-13

Despite self-effort, religious zeal and ritual is not the same as real genuine faith in God and often draws people farther away from Him. To have a personal relationship with God, people must acknowledge their own sinfulness in light of God's perfect nature and in faith ask for forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Once that has happened, Christians have the unique ability to tell others about how to start an authentic relationship with God.

Creation in Ancient Near East Context

Jim Leffel
Genesis 1:1-31

The creation account in the Bible offers a different perspective than most other ancient religions and mythologies. God is transcendent over nature, rather than a deity made up of nature. The creation account deals with linear history moving towards a goal, rather than cyclical mythology. Human beings are made with dignity in the image of God, rather than pawns to please the gods. And ultimately, creation is an act of God's gracious salvation.

Two Pivotal Decisions

Conrad Hilario
Mark 9:57-62

Jesus asks his disciples who they think he is. Peter responds that he is the Christ, the prophesied Messiah. There are many ways people today respond to Jesus' question regarding his identity, including: 1) he was a simply a good teacher, 2) he was a liar, 3) he was a legend, 4) he was lunatic, or 5) he was indeed the Savior and Son of God. Jesus asks of everyone on earth who do you believe that I am, and all must answer. Of those who want to follow him, Jesus tells his disciples that they must deny themselves and pick up their cross daily. His followers must be willing to endure suffering for his mission.

The Two Most Important Decisions You Will Ever Make

Scott Risley
Luke 9:57-62

Jesus asks the disciples, ?Who do you say that I am?? Four responses to Jesus' identity are examined: 1) legend; 2) New Age guru; 3) lunatic; and 4) moral teacher. Peter identifies Jesus as the Messiah and learns what it means to be a follower of Christ.

Law School

Ryan Lowery
Galatians 5:17

Gods' Law is perfect and unchanging, it is not nullified or changed, but our relationship to the Law has changed. Before the fall of man, we had no innate desire to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge because we did not have a sin nature yet. After the Fall, the nature of man was corrupted, and our relationship to the Law became destructive. We know what sin is through the Law. In Christ, through a choice to be redeemed through his sacrifice on the cross, we can have a newness of identity and have a restored relationship to Gods' Law.

The Parable of the Soils

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 13:10-17

God is working in each of our lives to help us see our need for Him and understand the work Jesus did for us on the cross. Through the Parable of the Soils, Jesus tells us about four different responses people have to his message. Three of the responses lead to the hearers turning their backs to God while only one leads to a life lived for God to the fullest. Jesus points out that our response is completely up to us; it all comes down to our attitude and whether we are willing to listen to God or not.\r\n

What Do You Want Me to Do?

Gary DeLashmutt
Mark 10:46-52

When Jesus restores Bartimeaus' sight in Jericho, He not only provides Bartimaeus physical healing but also the sign that he offers humanity - salvation. In this passage, Jesus is described by Mark as the promised Messiah, one who is interested in the needs of individuals, and also inclined to bless. When we, like Bartimaeus, can identify answered prayers, pray specific prayers, and pray in faith, our relationship with God and understanding of His Will will be enhanced.

More Confusion on Entering the Kingdom: The Rich Young Ruler

Jim Leffel
Luke 18:18-34

Continuing to shock his audience, Jesus continues to declare that our own works are not enough to earn our way into a relationship with God. We cannot follow God's law perfectly, but God has already taken that into account.