Breaching Cultural Containment

Dennis McCallum
Acts 8:1-38

When the Samaritans accepted Christ, Peter and John came down from Jerusalem to lay hands on the believers so that they received the Holy Spirit. thus breaking down cultural, social and prejudicial barriers to Christianity. Likewise with the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch.

The Cross

Dennis McCallum
Luke 22:39-23:38

It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of Jesus' death on the cross! Not only did Jesus endure immensely painful physical torture and humiliating psychological torment, he also bore God's judgment for all of humanity's sin and was rejected by his Father. As arrogant humanity acted out its historic contempt for God, God acted out of His humble love for us by offering us forgiveness through Jesus.

Jesus and the End of the World, Part 3

Scott Risley
Luke 21:25-36

Ritualism emphasizes the personal distance between people and God. Gary explores Paul's argument against ritualism within the framework of two main applications: 1) we should not be self-righteous; and 2) since relational closeness with God is possible, we should strive to cultivate a relational closeness with God.

A Fresh Way of Appropriating the Bible's Truths

Ryan Weingartner
Romans 5:2-5

Learning to appropriate biblical truth is crucial to growing with God. The three truths that are foundational to understand are: substitution, identity, and eternal. All three are needed for spiritual growth. There are many negative symptoms that come when one or more of these truths are lacking. It is wise to start off by memorizing scripture with these truths and to talk to God about them in your prayer life.

Who is Like Yahweh? The Old Testament God and New Testament Faith

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:13-20

Who is God and who are we as God's people supposed to be? To know God does not just include gathering knowledge about God, but really knowing Him in a relational and personal way. As you read through scripture in the Old Testament it is emphasized over and over that God is love. It is through His love that He reveals His glory, engages relationally, and is working through history. Learning about the heart of God is and always will be fundamental to representing Him.

Two Rich Guys

Dennis McCallum
Luke 18:18-19:10

Jesus says that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. Jesus exposes a rich young ruler's idolatry of wealth because he's unwilling to give it away to follow Jesus. By contrast, a wealthy tax collector named Zacchaeus climbs a tree to see Jesus, receives salvation and responds with joyful generosity.

Seeking the King and Receiving the Kingdom

Scott Risley
Luke 18:14-19:10

Luke describes different people seeking out the King: 1) children 2) the rich young ruler 3) a blind man and 4) Zacchaeus. God wants people to actively seek Him. He has gone above and beyond to seek us out. He desires all humanity to experience His kindness and joy because of what Jesus did on the cross. It is impossible for us to earn it.

Knowing Christ

Mike Sullivan
John 12:23-24

As people who have been made right with God through faith in Jesus Christ, Christians are now capable of growing in their personal relationship with Him. This growth is a privilege, and even though it should be a passion for all believers, it is easy to devalue the importance and joy that comes from knowing Jesus personally. To grow in our relationship with God involves admitting that: we have not arrived at a perfect knowledge of Christ yet, sharing in Christ's sufferings, and realizing we have not yet arrived at perfect knowledge and will not do so in this life.

Renewal of Hope

Jim Leffel
Genesis 9:1-16

After the flood, God made a covenant with Noah. This covenant provides a platform for us to understand spirituality in our material world and why nature matters. Although nature cannot govern morality, it can reflect God and create in us a sense of awe.