Our Problem, God's Solution

Scott Risley
Romans 3:9-30

Paul explains humanity's problem with God--that all have fallen short of God's perfect standard and deserve judgment. Now he transitions to explaining God's solution to our problem: forgiveness through faith in Jesus' sacrifice for our sins. When we place our trust in Christ we are freely forgiven and can enjoy humble unity with one another.

God's Rescue Plan

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 3:14-15

Ever since Adam and Eve's disobedience, humanity has suffered from alienation from God, ourselves, and others. However, we see from immediately after the fall that God was enacting his plan to rescue man and defeat Satan--a plan that culminated in Jesus on the cross. We can be rescued by God and experience reconciliation by accepting Jesus' death as the covering for our sin.

The Power of the Good News

Scott Risley
Romans 1:1-17

The Book of Romans is considered by many to be the clearest and most thorough explanation of the Gospel in scripture. It has influenced many game-changers of the faith, including Martin Luther and John Wesley. This letter makes clear that salvation is by faith alone and, as Paul writes in chapter one, demonstrates that the Gospel "is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes."

Introspection and the Christian Life

Conrad Hilario
2 Corinthians 13:1-14

Paul wraps up his defense against accusations from the Corinthian church and ends his letter by urging them to examine themselves as to whether they are truly in the faith. While Christians should examine whether they have truly received Christ, excessive introspection can be unproductive and unhealthy.

Test Yourself

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 13:1-5

At the end of 2 Corinthians Paul tells the Corinthians to examine themselves. Introspection is not something that is commonly prescribed in the Bible. When is introspection helpful and when can it be harmful?

Examine Yourselves

James Rochford
2 Corinthians 12:11-13:14

Paul continues his defense against slander going around the Corinthian church and challenges them to examine themselves as to whether they are really believers in Christ--because if they are, then Paul's ministry must be legitimate. Christians today should not be bogged down by worry as to whether they are truly saved, but it is worth examining whether we have personally received Christ and if we see evidence of the Holy Spirit's presence in our lives. If we have trusted in Christ, we can rest assured that we are sealed with the Spirit and our salvation is secure.

The Crucifixion of Jesus

Ryan Lowery
Psalms 22

The cross of Christ demonstrates God's unconditional commitment to our ultimate good. We also see that we are loved, valued, broken, and we have a choice to make.

The Triumphal Entry

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 5:5

Soon before his crucifixion Jesus enters Jerusalem, greeted by people who anticipate he is the Messiah who would conquer their oppressors. Instead, his entry marks the start of his trip to the cross to suffer for the sins of man, and conquer the oppression of sin for those who seek him.

The Truth

Ryan Lowery
John 8:12-36

In this passage, Jesus puts forth that he is the "light of the world"--the central point of truth--calling people to follow him. By making this claim Jesus is either truly someone before whom all people should bow, or he is a profoundly false figure. We should all investigate this claim and respond to it, not on the basis of our feelings or preconceptions but on the basis of evidence and objectivity.\r\n