Adopted into God's Family

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 1:1-8

In this teaching, Ryan Lowery introduces Paul's intimate letter to Christians who lived in Ephesus. We learn about one of the most astonishing aspects of Gods grace -- His willingness to adopt us as His sons and daughters.

Esau's Choice

Mike Sullivan
Hebrews 12:16-17

As the firstborn Son, Esau stood to inherit a substantial birthright that included not only wealth and possessions, but also the covenant promise God had made to Abraham. In a moment of shortsightedness, Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob for a bowl of soup, forfeiting his blessing. From that point on, Jacob and Esau's lives were on very different trajectories. Their story teaches us an important lesson: that our choices matter and, though our eternal salvation is secure, our decisions can have irreversible consequences for us in this life.

The Book of Ruth: God's Redemption

Chris Risley
Ruth 1-4

In Ruth and Boaz we see people who chose to follow God and were blessed more than they ever imagined. We also learn that just as Boaz was a loving redeemer for Ruth when she was helpless and had nothing to offer, Jesus Christ wants to be our redeemer, free of charge. When we choose to take Him up on His offer, we also can experience the blessings of following God.\r\n

The Good Shepherd

James Rochford
John 10:7-11

This Psalm of David reveals how God cares for us the way a shepherd cares for his sheep, providing help, direction, provisions, and purpose. Later in the Old Testament, God promises to rescue His flock, a promise ultimately fulfilled in Jesus, who called himself the Good Shepherd.

The Cutting of the Covenant

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 4:1-5

A fascinating narrative describing how God ratified a covenant with Abram and providing three key insights into living by faith. God declares us to be in right standing with Him when we simply trust in His promise. Doubt is not the opposite of faith; it is faith under strain. Faith submits to God's plan and to His timing for its fulfillment.

War of the Kings and Melchizedek

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 7:18

This passage narrates a war between nine ancient kings and an encounter between Abraham and two kings. Insight into Abraham's developing faith is provided as he actively trusts God's promises of protection and provision. God works through Melchizedek, the king of Salem, to encourage Abraham's faith which has a ripple effect far beyond his own life. Melchizedek was the original ?man without the Bible? and reveals the incredible depth and unity of the Bible.\r\n

Living Hope

Ben Foust
1 Peter 1:1-12

Peter writes to Christians scattered throughout the Roman empire and facing persecution. He urges them to put their hope in their future eternal inheritance. Christians today should have a mindset of being "resident aliens" on earth, whose true citizenship is in heaven, resulting in a refined faith.

The Woman at the Well

Ben Foust
John 4:1-42

Despite many personal, cultural, and religious barriers, Jesus approaches a woman at a well to demonstrate that he is the only one who can quench her spiritual thirst. The Gospel has the same effect today when we turn to God to restore the relationship we were created for and allow Him to meet our deepest needs.

Jews, Gentiles, and God's Plan

Dennis McCallum
Isaiah 49:5-6

How does the Old Testament differ from the New Testament in terms of salvation history? The New Testament makes it clear that all people are able to become Christians despite their background. What is the relationship between Jews, Gentiles, and God's plan?