Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

Ben Foust
John 4:1-42

One might suppose the Samaritan woman at the well would be the least likely person to ever follow Jesus. She is the wrong gender, race, religion, and morality. The barriers are numerous. Yet, Jesus pursues the unlikely, like this sinful woman who doesn't even know she is thirsty. She learns she is very thirsty, and the only thing that will quench that thirst is a relationship with God. Jesus has removed every barrier to receiving the living water he offers.

The Humility of Jesus

Chris Hearty
Philippians 2:3-11

Jesus' life was the ultimate example of what serving love actually looks like. Paul sets the bar very high when he uses Jesus as the example for how we should have the same mindset of humility. Although he retained his divine attributes and abilities, he set them aside to live fully as a human. He did not demand his rights as the sovereign creator of the universe, but instead went to the cross to save us.

John the Baptist

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 3:1-3

People in Israel at the time of Jesus' birth awaited a messiah, and knew that this messiah would be preceded by an "Elijah" figure, announcing his arrival. John the Baptist served in this role, calling on people to acknowledge their sin and repent--to agree with God that they fall short of His standard. We are called to the same acknowledgement, which opens the door to us receiving what Jesus, the Messiah came to give--forgiveness from sins, based on his death on the cross.

God's Efforts to Reach Us

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 14:6-7

During the Great Tribulation there will be tremendous judgments poured out upon the people of the earth for refusing to repent. But there will also be, at the same time, God going to great lengths to reach people who are far from him. God will send 144,000 bondservants to proclaim the Gospel; he will send two witnesses to Jerusalem for three and a half years to appeal to people to turn back to God; he will even send Jesus to appear in person after the two witnesses are taken up into heaven. And if that wasn't enough, a mighty angel will fly around the world making one final effort to exhort the remaining people to repent and turn to God before time is up.

Introduction to Matthew

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 1:1-17

The gospel of Matthew starts with a genealogy of Jesus, serving to affirm that Jesus is the promised Messiah. Matthew takes the reader through Jesus' adoptive father Joseph's line, demonstrating how his lineage fulfilled key predictions about the Messiah, including that he would be in the kingly line. Beyond that, it demonstrates that Jesus came from a line of broken, "normal" people--a fully human experience. It shows us that God moves toward us as we are, and doesn't expect us to clean up our act first.

Jesus and John the Baptist

Ben Foust
Matthew 3:1-17

John the Baptist's ministry was to announce the approaching Messiah who would make a way to reconcile the lost world to himself. As John himself encounters Jesus, he discovers Jesus is infinitely more transcendent than he expected and yet, Jesus lowered himself far lower than John could ever have imagined by coming in the form of a common man. John's mind is blown!

Who Is Worthy?

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 5:1-13

The fourth and fifth chapters of Revelation focus on a period of history when God judges sinful humanity. These chapters address the question of who is worthy to judge the whole world. Only a perfectly sinless being could stand in judgment of another being. God is holy and perfect; he has never sinned. He is qualified to judge. \r\nA morally perfect God must judge sin. His perfect justice does not allow sin to go unpunished. So, he sent his perfect, sinless Son to pay the penalty we all deserve.

Galatians: Freedom Manifesto

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 1:1-12

The book of Galatians was Paul's counterattack against the legalists who were trying to ruin new groups in the region of Galatia. It explains the freedom Christians can enjoy if they seek to understand it.

The Most Important Event in History

Dennis McCallum
Mark 14:32-42

Jesus' crucifixion is clearly the most important event in human history, as it opened the door for man to be reconciled to God. Through the event, Jesus willingly experienced terrible suffering--physically, psychologically, and spiritually--as people mocked and tortured him. In addition he experienced the spiritual agony of being rejected by God, as he took on the punishment for all of man's sins--God's intense wrath toward sin. He did this out of love, allowing us to receive his gift of payment for our sins, and begin a relationship with God.