True Freedom

Gary DeLashmutt
John 8:36

True freedom ? where can we find it? A comparison and contrast of the secular and Biblical views of freedom. Whichever view we embrace will have tremendous consequences for ourselves, our children, and our society.\r\n

Living Stones

Ben Foust
1 Peter 2:4-10

Peter uses the metaphor of the temple to describe the proper functioning of the church. The stones represent individual believers, each with their own role, but also working together toward the purpose of proclaiming the excellencies of Christ to the world. The cornerstone is Christ, whom the whole building is built around, but who is also a stumbling block for those who disbelieve.\r\n

The Body of Christ

Chris Hearty
Romans 12:3-21

The Body of Christ is filled with people with many diverse giftings, supernaturally empowered to serve the Body of Christ as well as the world at large. Every member of the Body has a unique role that they can fulfill to demonstrate the love of God to a lost world. God is calling each one of us in the Body to step out in faith and let our love for one another shine brightly in a dark world.

Transformation Turning Point

Chris Hearty
Romans 12:1-2

Chapters 1 through 11 of Romans is an exposition of the incredible mercies of God. In Chapter 12, Paul exhorts us, based on all that God has done for us, to give our entire lives to serving God. Many Christians mistakenly believe engaging in worship is an isolated event, distinct from our other Christian or worldly activities. The book of Romans refutes this idea that reduces worship to merely singing, dancing or praising God. Romans, instead, is consistent with the rest of the New Testament that presents worship as giving our whole lives to living in obedience to God. It is a life of lived out every day in thankfulness.

A Living Sacrifice

Scott Risley
Romans 12:1-2

In contrast to the Old Testament sacrificial system, Paul calls on believers to worship by presenting their lives as living sacrifices to God. This second decision is not about salvation, but choosing to be all in for God and experiencing the full benefits of the Christian life.

A New Start

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 8:20-9:29

After the cleansing of the flood, God makes a new promise to never again judge the earth through a flood, not because He thought man could be righteous, but because He would offer a sacrificial substitute for their sins. With this promise, He also gives new instructions that demonstrate the value of human life, and, through Noah's family dealings, makes new predictions about how He will work through human history to bring people to Him, including each one of us.

The Beginning of God's Rescue Plan

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 3:20-21

In Genesis 3 we see God begin a rescue plan for man, whose decision to rebel against Him, through Satan's temptation, has resulted in death. God predicts that someday Satan will be judged and defeated through a conflict between Satan and a member of the human race--the Messiah. By making an animal hide covering for Adam and Eve, God foreshadows the day when a sacrifice will cover the shame and guilt of their sins. We should "take off" our ways of dealing with this guilt and "put on" Jesus' free provision of forgiveness.

The Crucifixion of Jesus

Ryan Lowery
Psalms 22

The cross of Christ demonstrates God's unconditional commitment to our ultimate good. We also see that we are loved, valued, broken, and we have a choice to make.

Joy & Sacrifice

Jim Leffel
Matthew 16:24-25

We learn about what it means to appreciate our lives as a gift from God and to joyfully offer ourselves to God in thanks. Jim Leffel argues that since we are all pouring our lives out for something, the best thing we can pour our lives out for is the cause of Jesus.