Freedom, Rights and Calling

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 9:1-23

Believers have the supernatural, God-given freedom from being controlled by self-interest, and can instead use their freedom to serve other people. Indeed, the Gospel requires setting aside some of our rights. By doing so, Christians fulfill God's purpose to share and show God's grace to all people, as well as personally experience joyous freedom.

Freedom And Conscience

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 6:12

One aspect of God's purpose in reconciling people to Himself is to create a community to show the world what He is like. One way believers in Christ can show God's love to others is to gain biblical knowledge tempered with discerning love when interacting with other people. Under grace, believers have God-given freedom with a clear conscience, but in this passage are encouraged to use this freedom to love and serve others instead of self.

Becoming Spiritual Adults (Part 3)

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 4:1-16

What does it look like to be a spiritually mature believer in Christ? In this third and final part of the series on spiritual maturity, principles of maturity are discussed. Topics include: trustworthiness, integrity, gratitude, sacrifice, and humility.\r\n

A Servant's Lord

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:2

Paul urges Timothy to cling to his standing and hope in God to endure the trials of life, and take real lasting meaning. The relationship we have with God offers true meaning and purpose to our lives. We can trust in God because we have seen His power and knowledge in His Word and through how he has provided for us.

A Servant's Compassion

Jim Leffel
Matthew 25:34-40

Paul called Timothy to provide for the widows of the Ephesian church, and this furthers the call for Christians to practice compassion for the needy. Serving and loving those in need is a great opportunity to share God's love with people in a broken and fallen world.

Husbands and Wives

Tom Dixon
Colossians 3:18-19

Paul gives instructions to wives and husbands on how to be successful in a marriage centered around God. As Christians understand what Jesus did for them, they will be able to respond more within marriage. For wives, that means learning what it means to submit to their husband, which means learning to be: supportive, agreeable, encouraging and helpful as the husband leads the marriage towards God. For husbands, they are to extend grace towards their wives and seek ways to sacrificially serve them like Christ. Love and forgiveness from Jesus is the key component for navigating marriage difficulties.

A Servant's Love

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:18-19

Paul tells us about what real servant love is all about. Real love is sacrificial towards others and not self promoting. We can spend our lives caught up in our own accomplishments, or in theological debate; but Paul tells us that God wants our focus to be on sacrificial love.

The Servant's Heart

Jeff Gordon
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

The Thessalonians accepted Paul's words as the very Word of God which continued to work in them after he left. As a result, they were persecuted because they were transformed by the Word and lived to serve rather than to be served. Paul intensely longed to see them because he loved them and they were his pride and joy. What is your view of God's Word and what is your pride and joy?

Greatness and the Gospel

Jim Leffel
Mark 9:30-35

Throughout his ministry, Jesus' disciples could not grasp the paradox of his ultimate power manifested in ultimate weakness. When the disciples argue about which is the greatest, Jesus teaches that those who are servants will be considered the greatest. Instead of seeking worldly greatness, followers of Jesus can seek a greatness for the gospel.