The Way Up Is Down

Mike Sullivan
Matthew 20:17-28

According to Jesus, spiritual leaders must have the attitude of a servant. He modeled these principles through his life, death, and teaching. Ultimately, leadership greatness can only come from God through the service of others as we trust him to lift us up.

How to Lead When You Are Young

Scott Risley
1 Timothy 4:11-16

God isn't into the seniority system. He's looking to rescue people and He will work through everyone who is willing, even if they are young. Paul talks to Timothy on the importance of what he does and how it relates to his leadership as a young man. We look at the importance of church commitment and look at the downsides if we lack in this area.

The Paradoxical Way to Happiness

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 58:10-11

Human beings deeply desire personal happiness, and live in ways they believe will result in happiness. God affirms this desire to be happy, but declares that our way of seeking through a self-centered life is wrong. Instead, Jesus declares that the self-giving perspective results in true happiness. In order to live this sacrificial lifestyle, we must consistently receive God's love and then give it out to others.

Husbands and Wives

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:21-22

It is clear that the ethical thinking of Christianity has been very progressive, as Christ turns traditional gender-based power structures on their head. The Bible presents husbands and wives as unified equals. The Bible calls wives to allow their husbands to lead as husbands are called to love their wives with the sacrificial love of Christ.

The Path to Spiritual Maturity (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:5-17

Part two of a two-part series on the path to spiritual maturity. Paul encourages the Colossians to embrace a lifestyle consistent with what God has provided us through Christ. He urges them to ?put aside? a self-centered way of life and to ?put on? an other-centered, loving lifestyle. As we cultivate a mental focus on ?the things above? (part one) and replace a selfish lifestyle with a loving one (part two), God changes us from the inside out.

An Invitation To Suffer

Ryan Lowery
Philippians 3:8-9

God's love and grace gave Paul the motivation to become a servant with a purpose, but it did not spare him of a life free of suffering. In fact, serving God requires Christians to wade into suffering so that others may know Him just as Christ was willing to undergo suffering for our sake. This sort of service requires that: we become servant leaders by laying down our lives for others, we bring the truth of God to those who don't know Him, and we commit to other people through discipleship.

Who is Jesus?

Ryan Lowery
John 14:8-11

Since God's love is what gives us the power to love others, an important part of understanding God's love is understanding who Jesus is. Jesus is: 1) our redeemer; 2) the highest form of revelation; 3) creator and owner of everything; 4) the highest authority; 5) the head of the church; 6) God.\r\nWhile the divinity and humanity of Jesus are constantly under attack, the truth that God became a human and died in our place is the basis for love and the only true gospel.

The Father's Reward

Jim Leffel
Matthew 6:1-6

The uniqueness of our relationship with God the Father is broken down into three parts: 1) the Father's passion towards us as His children, 2) the Father's redemption of His people, and 3) the Father's reward. The Father's reward is not something we work for to bolster our own image but instead work that points others to God.

Jesus: The Slain Lamb

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 5

John details seeing Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, represented as the ransom for God's people. The Lamb was slaughtered, but was able to take the scroll that no one else could open, and he was declared worthy of it. With reference to Exodus 12 and Isaiah 53, this vision symbolizes the gospel message: that Christ died in our place to offer salvation to all people.