3 Responses to Jesus (Part 2)

Ryan Lowery
1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Jesus spoke most harshly against the Pharisees in his day. Christians have a history of being poor representatives of who God is, they can at times be more like the Pharisees than like Jesus. This holds lost people back from investigating and responding to the Gospel. The Pharisees were infuriated with Jesus for breaking their man-made rules. They were convinced that God would be pleased that they were so strict, so that when God was in front of them they missed it! Jesus gives a comprehensive argument for why he is who he claims to be. We also need to realize that we have a problem and that we do not have the solution in ourselves; it is only God who is great. Loving other people should be supreme over our desire for people to have good views of us.\r\n

The Mysterious Melchizedek

James Rochford
Hebrews 7:14-27

Abraham meets Melchizedek after a battle and Melchizedek blesses Abraham. Melchizedek is called the king of Salem and a priest of God Most High, i.e., a king-priest. So what are priests? Do we still need them today? Find answers to these questions through this study of Melchizedek and the implications his life and position have for us.

Abraham: The Man of Faith

James Rochford
Genesis 12-17

What is biblical faith? Is there a difference between biblical faith and blind faith? Is there room for doubt? Why do some people have more faith than others? Can we grow in our faith in God? Examining key events in the life of Abraham helps us answer these questions and learn what true faith looks like.

Return to Jerusalem

James Rochford
Acts 21:1-23:11

Summary\r\nPaul goes to Jerusalem and is put on trial where he gives a defense for believing and teaching the message of Jesus. While Paul is in the middle of God's will he experiences suffering. Following Christ includes uncertainty, fear, rejection, and maybe personal harm.

God and Grace

James Rochford
Acts 9:1-27

The conversion of Saul to Paul is one of the clearest pictures of God's radical grace. After his conversion we see another picture of what it looks like to serve God under grace. Because of God's grace, this man went from seeking to imprison followers of Jesus to being one of Jesus' biggest influencers. Paul's life shows that God's grace is for anyone willing to accept it.

Temple Showdown

Scott Risley
Luke 19:45-20:47

Luke describes a showdown between Jesus and the religious leaders over the temple. The religious leaders attempted to arrest Jesus and continued to use the temple to make a profit while Jesus repeatedly silenced them with the truth. The religious leaders were confronted with the question "Jesus is the Son of God. What are you going to do about it?" The same question can be asked of anyone. Will you reject Jesus as the Son of God or accept Him?

Seeking the King and Receiving the Kingdom

Scott Risley
Luke 18:14-19:10

Luke describes different people seeking out the King: 1) children 2) the rich young ruler 3) a blind man and 4) Zacchaeus. God wants people to actively seek Him. He has gone above and beyond to seek us out. He desires all humanity to experience His kindness and joy because of what Jesus did on the cross. It is impossible for us to earn it.

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Scott Risley
Luke 18:9-14

Jesus told the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector to demonstrate what is needed to be right with God. While the Pharisee demonstrated self-righteousness in his prayer, the tax collector demonstrated humility and his need for mercy in his prayer. Righteousness before God can only be obtained by faith in Jesus' atoning sacrifice, not on the basis of our own works.

Foundation of Faith

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 6:18-19

Abraham starts to experience real doubt and fear when it comes to God's promise. God reaffirms His promise to Abraham and declares a covenant with him vowing to come through on His promise. Abraham sets the framework for what biblical faith should look like. Actively and at times imperfectly he trusts in God's promise, receives God's free gift, and is grateful that God is good.