The Real Meaning of the Law

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 3:24-25

Paul instructs Timothy about how to approach false teachers who are inaccurately using the law. Paul reviews for Timothy the purpose of the law: to show humanity how they fall short of God's perfect standard and that they need a savior. Humans can only gain righteousness through grace, not by following the law. The law also defines what is sin.

How Does Lasting Change Happen?

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:1-11

Being "in Christ" means that we have received a new identity where we are victorious, totally acceptable to God, and have the hope of heaven. We need to set our mind on these things as we resist the old self and act as the people that God has made us to be. The song "Ain't No Grave" by Claude Ely was performed to illustrate victory over death.

The Paradox of Fulfillment (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Matthew 5:1-12

How is God nudging you? We will learn about the Beatitudes from Jesus, and learn about the attitudes that can move us forward in God's Will or hinder us if we fail to understand them. Beatitudes include: gentleness, righteous hunger, mercy, purity of heart, peacemakers, and persecution.

Standing Firm Against Legalism

Ryan Lowery
Philippians 3:1-16

Paul warns the Philippian church about legalism, a works based approach to drawing close to God. Legalism has negative effects on Christians, including being contagious to others and destroying our intimacy with God. Paul looks back on his own life to warn them of these dangers and encourage the Philippian believers to stand firm in their new identity in Christ and operate under God's grace to grow with Him.

The "Jesus" Test

Doug Pollock
Luke 5:29-32

In our culture today, we get tested on things all the time. But there also exists the "Jesus" test, a test in which not even all who are outspoken Christians pass. Many people think they are passing the Jesus test by obeying religious rituals and withdrawing from sinful people who may rub off on them. These people could not be more mistaken, as it is Jesus who calls us to love the sinners as he did himself. We must recognize that we are all sinners that needed saving, and embrace befriending the "sinners" of our society.

Every Spiritual Blessing in Christ

Scott Risley
Ephesians 1:1-10

Paul the apostle describes the blessings God gives to those who begin a personal relationship with Him through Christ. These blessings of: complete forgiveness, adoption into God's family, and insight into God's plan for humanity are not always experienced in daily life. Christians often forget about these blessings, or do not consider them true, or fail to act, and therefore continue to live as orphans apart from God's family. An understanding and belief in the receipt of these blessings is vital for believers in Christ to live out this new identity as God's child and to experience a transformed life.

What It Means to "Be Ready"

Scott Risley
Matthew 25:1-46

As we live in these Last Days, no one knows when Jesus will return, so we need to be ready at all times. God will let you live your life as you choose, but He will call you to give an account at the end. Will you be found faithful?

A Mountaintop Experience

Scott Risley
Matthew 17:1-9

Initially, the disciples did not understand the significance of their mountaintop experience of witnessing Jesus' transfiguration, they later realized that Jesus fulfills and supersedes the Old Testament, that He is greater than Moses and Elijah. They learned that God is both transcendent and immanent. Peter, in his exuberance, wanted to build permanent shelters for Jesus, Moses and Elijah to live in that moment rather than enjoy the experience however fleeting it may be.

Playing Games with God

Dennis McCallum
Mark 7:1-23

The Pharisees dispute with Jesus about why the disciples don't partake in the ceremonial hand washing before eating. The heart of this argument revolves around going through the outward motions without a change of the heart. By partaking in ceremonial washing, the Pharisees were cleaning the outside while not acknowledging their own sin. This issue makes people think they're okay before God when they really are not. The true need is in the heart, which needs a spiritual cleansing through Jesus Christ.