Jesus' Resurrection

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:12-13

Jesus' resurrection is a unique claim that comes with evidence. His resurrection is prophesied throughout the Bible as well as backed by hundreds of witnesses. Putting your faith in Christ results in His resurrection saving you from God's condemnation. Instead you gain God's complete forgiveness and a promise of a future of bodily resurrection.

Living with Hope

Scott Risley
1 Corinthians 15:51-53

Paul clarifies his teaching about the afterlife since it seemed like the Thessalonians misunderstood him. He helps them see the reality of eternity and what they can look forward to. With this in view, Paul encourages them to live with purpose in this life rather than wasting time on empty pursuits.

What Does The Future Hold?

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11

For many people, the thought of death provokes fear, depression, and despair. For people who have started a personal relationship with God though, death leads to an eternity with God in heaven, and as a result life on Earth is no longer relatively or existentially meaningless. Besides the promise of eternal life, God has also given Christians various prophetic signs to indicate that the end of human history is near, and understanding these signs motivates believers to live a sober and committed life for God until that day arrives.

Jesus' First Signs

Jim Leffel
John 2:1-25

John explains some of Jesus' first signs. These physical signs demonstrate underlying spiritual truths. These signs point to Jesus and the life he offers. The miracle of turning water into wine symbolizes Jesus' transformation of religion into a relationship. The cleansing of the temple symbolizes the true nature of Jesus' presence in the world.

The Resurrection

Scott Risley
Matthew 28:1-15

The historical resurrection of Jesus after His Crucifixion is an exciting story that is non-negotiable. After two thousand years, no one has been able to discredit its authenticity. If, after all these years, no one can give a natural explanation of the recorded event, then the logical conclusion is a supernatural event occurred. The New Testament accounts of His resurrection were written so that people would believe Jesus is the Christ and by believing, have eternal life in His name.

Endless Hope or Hopeless End

James Rochford
Matthew 27:1-28:15

Following his death on the cross, Jesus rises from the dead. There are seven reasons to believe in the validity of the resurrection: 1) the execution of Jesus was recorded by the Romans, Greeks and Jews; 2) the empty tomb, which involved women witnesses and a realistic burial story; 3) expectations; 4) eyewitnesses, including Paul, James and the twelve disciples; 5) explained in advance, through prophecy from the Old Testament; 6) the expansion of Christianity grew from 500 to 1 million people by the end of the first century; and 7) experience. The resurrection is crucial for the basis for Christian's lives and has much evidence supporting it.

The Case for Christ's Resurrection

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 15:1-58

Paul firmly states that the entire Christian faith stands or falls on the truth of Jesus's literal, bodily resurrection from the dead. Not surprisingly, this claim has come under fire, in both Paul's day and ours. Fortunately, Paul lays out plenty of solid evidence for this amazing, supernatural event that guarantees Jesus's victory over sin and death and authenticates Him as God. Because Jesus has in fact raised from the dead, we can have hope, boldness and an intimate relationship with Jesus Himself!

Gospel and Resurrection

Jim Leffel
Mark 16:1-8

The resurrection stands as proof that the cross was sufficient. There are several very good reasons to believe that the cross was a real historical event, including eyewitness accounts and their personal testimonies. The message of the resurrection was so controversial that people would have only accepted it if they knew it to be true. Ultimately, the cross proves and demonstrates God's character and the hope of a future resurrection.

Jesus in the Old Testament (Part 1)

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 24:13-32

After Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection he had an interaction with two of his followers who were despondent. They didn't know they were talking with the risen Jesus and expressed devastation about his crucifixion. Jesus delivered them from their despondency in four ways: 1) Jesus sought them out in midst of their despondency; 2) Jesus exposed their wrong ultimate hopes; 3) Jesus explained the Scriptures in regards to his death and resurrection; and 4) Jesus ignited hope in their hearts when they responded to his instruction. Despondency comes from unbelief in God's power, love, and goodness. God reveals those things about Himself through His son's death and resurrection; that is the where our ultimate hope should be.\r\n