The Good News

Dennis McCallum
Romans 1:1-17

God has made Himself evident. Through the wonder and awe of nature, we can see God's attributes. This teaching covers the idea of General Revelation--that God is there and He is not silent.

Sincerity and Cynicism

Scott Risley
2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4

After receiving his first challenging letter, the Corinthians' relationship with Paul is strained. Coupled with a delay that kept Paul from visiting them, they are becoming cynical about Paul and his message. Paul addresses their concerns with integrity, and we can learn from him how to overcome cynicism, with the faithfulness of God as our foundation.

The God Who is There in Conflict

Bev DeLashmutt
Romans 2:1-3

Unresolved conflict stirs up many negative emotions, including confusion for how God is involved. God does, however, have a will for conflict, and it is that he seeks to be glorified. He is glorified both through resolution and when even one person obeys his principles for conflict. This means that no matter how the other person may respond, we are responsible for our own response. We are called to withhold judgement, address our own failure first, relate wisely, seek God for our needs, and treat the other as we want to be treated. Through these steps, we can have a more God-centered approach and response to conflict.

Joy & Reconciliation

Jim Leffel
Philippians 4:1-3

When we are willing to set aside our own expectations, examine our blind spots and realize that we are also a difficult person to get along with, we can build real relationships. These relationships help us through life and show the unity that is ours through the body of Christ. Euodia and Syntyche are struggling to get along and Sue Olah and Theresa Moon share their struggle to work through conflict and towards friendship.

The Stewardship Approach to Resolving Conflict

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 6:1-8

The Apostle Paul addresses the unhealthy ways the Corinthian church was handling conflicts with one another. Because conflict is inevitable whenever there are close relationships, we, too, will certainly face conflict at times. Eight steps for resolving conflict in a Biblical way can not only save our relationships but allow our lives and churches to bring glory to God in the midst of conflict.

Love in Community: Setting Limits

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 2:5

Biblical love is usually more accepting, forgiving and loyal than secular love. There are times when it can be tougher. This teaching covers what God describes when people in a Christian community are living in unrepentant sin.

Joseph: Waiting for God

James Rochford
Genesis 50:20

Despite the suffering and poor circumstances which Joseph endures, his demonstrates faithful patience because he trusted in God's sovereignty. Through this, God brings reconciliation to his dysfunctional family and salvation from famine to the Hebrew people.

The Word Becomes Flesh

Ryan Lowery
John 12:46

A ?Gospel? is a declaration of victory! The book of John is a historical and biographical account of the creator of the universe who came down to earth. As we learn about Jesus we can understand who God is. God is infinite, self-existent, and personal. The Word is with God, was God, created all things, and is the sustaining power of all life. Then this Word takes on a human body and lives among humanity, John confirms that he was an eye-witness to this event. Jesus came in a way that was unexpected and the world was polarized by it. All of humanity is invited to receive forgiveness from Jesus and be adopted as God's children.

Recovering From the Fall

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 3:7-19

The effects of the fall on a individual human can be substantially (but not completely) reversed through gradual spiritual growth. The theological alienation humans experience is reversed through turning back to God and beginning a relationship with Him. Psychological alienation is healed by no longer propping self up as a god but instead putting self under God's leadership. Sociological alienation is reversed by moving away from a self-centered relationship and towards a God-centered relationship. Ecological alienation is healed as humans take a stewardship perspective of God's Earth.