Summing Up All Things in Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 2:10-3:12

God's eternal plan was fully revealed by Jesus' work on the cross. This new revelation after the cross included God using the corporate church of believers to spread the Good News of Jesus before Christ's second return. Christ's first and second comings were both predicted in the Old Testament, but God's full plan wasn't seen until the cross made it clear. Christians in the present time have great access and assurance before God as they get the privilege to participate in His work, demonstrating His immense wisdom, grace and righteousness throughout the ages past and into eternity present.

Serving Love in the Body of Christ (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:11-24

After reviewing verses 11-15, we uncover more imperatives for a faith-centered community (verses 16-24). In a faith-centered community, believers learn to practice the following: 1) rejoice always; 2) pray continually; 3) exercise gratitude; 4) learn to discern prophetic messages from the Lord; and 5) continue to show God's grace.

Christ Our Priest

Jim Leffel
Genesis 14:17-20

The message of the Bible hinges on an understanding of sacrifice; that we need a priest, who intercedes for us through substitution. The Old Testament explains that the priesthood was held by the Levites, yet Jesus with from the tribe of Judah. The way to reconcile Jesus' kingship and priesthood lies in the character of Melchizedek, and has two important implications: 1) the old priesthood is over, and 2) the new priesthood means we have constant intercession with God.

Revealing the Son

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 1:4-2:4

The author of Hebrews uses a variety of Old Testament quotations to support affirmations about Jesus. He points out that God has a unique son with a right to rule, that this son is higher than angels, and finally that he is divine. If God has spoken to us about these things, then what He says really matters for our lives.

The End of the Wolrd

Dennis McCallum
2 Peter 3:1-8

There will be a second coming of Christ. If there were no second coming, there would be no answer to the problem of evil, Jesus Christ would lose all credibility, and the Bible could not be believed.

Why Believe in Jesus?

Dennis McCallum
2 Peter 1:12-21

We can be sure of our belief in Jesus because of the testimony of the apostles, predictive prophecy, and the uniqueness of the Bible. The Old Testament, in comparison to all other ancient Near East religions, is vastly different and does not follow the evolution of religion as it happened throughout the rest of the world, instead remaining steadfast and unchanging on its unique views of the Lord.

The Final Judgment

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 20:11-15

All people without a relationship with God will stand before His Great White Throne to face judgment for their rebellion. At face value, most people understandably find this event horrifying, but God's righteousness and goodness are actually demonstrated in His willingness to judge evil. God doesn't force Himself on anyone, but rather allows people a choice. If you've chosen to accept Jesus's free gift of forgiveness, you can take comfort in the fact that you are completely safe from this judgment!

The Victorious Return of Jesus

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 19:11-20:10

Jesus' second coming will be the most dramatic event in human history, and will bring an end to human history as we know it. Unlike his humble first coming, Jesus will come again in great power, with a host of angels and redeemed humans, crowned with universal dominion, and will triumph completely over all of His enemies forever! Jesus will reign for 1,000 years before he finally sends Satan into eternal judgment, which sets the stage for the final judgment of humanity.

The Whore of Babylon

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 18

This prophecy introduces us to another evil character in the End Times, the "Whore of Babylon", that is used to describe the judgment that God will carry out on the earth. She embodies the spiritual adultery of Israel and the apostate Church's worship of idols as history comes to a close. Also described as "Babylon the Great", she represents fallen humanity's determination to construct a society without a need for God by accumulating material wealth, comforts, and technology. Don't be deceived by the appeal of Babylon; turn to Jesus Christ, who is the source of true fulfillment!