And Then the End Will Come

Scott Risley
Matthew 24:15-22

Scott Risley goes over all the preconditions that must be in place for the End to finally arrive. Two thousand years after the disciples asked Jesus what would be the signs of the End, we now live in a period of time when many of the preconditions have been realized. Some of these preconditions were unimaginable to people hundreds or even fifty years ago but now are common place. Israel is inconceivably back in its home country. Technology allows the whole world to be interconnect and communicate with one another in seconds on the other side of the world. All these things that seemed so unlikely are now happening. God told us all these things would happen and He told us Jesus is coming back too...

When Will These Things Be?

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 13:1-5

Jesus continues to speak about the end times, highlighting the abomination of desolation that will occur at the end of human history. The abomination of desolation is something directly related with the Antichrist, known as the Beast, who the entire world will worship during the time of the Great Tribulation. The Antichrist will blaspheme the name of God and will rise up out of a future Roman empire in the future. The world's current overpopulation, hunger and pollution point to the likelihood of the whole world coming together under the leadership of a single individual, like Jesus predicts in the end times. Coupled with a one-world mentality in areas like global economy, entertainment, information technology, and communication, the future of the world is readily getting to the point where Jesus' prediction doesn't seem crazy. In the meantime, there's a real need to ask for Jesus' forgiveness to cover people's sin before the end of human history comes.

The Beginning of the End

Scott Risley
Matthew 24:1-24

The disciples asked Jesus what will be the sign of His coming and the end of the age. Jesus answers them, but they did not understand that the answer spoke of two separate times. They did not know that there would be a very long gap of time between the beginning of the end and the bodily return of the Son of Man. The signs of the end fell into three categories: Birth Pains, Preconditions and Specific Events.

I Have Told you Everything in Advance

Dennis McCallum
Luke 21:20-24

While on the Mount of Olive with his disciples, Jesus reveals information regarding the end times. Eschatology, or the study of end times, is important for understanding history, having confidence in God's word, learning what's to come and gives authentication to the Bible's entire message. The details Jesus reveals concerns the nation of Israel, which will be re-gathered as a nation prior to the Great Tribulation when Jesus returns to reign as Messiah. The proper response to understanding predictive prophecy is to learn more about the one it centers around - Jesus Christ.

The King Arrives

Scott Risley
Matthew 20:29-34

As Jesus' ministry on earth comes to a close just before Passover, the gloves come off! No more forbidding people to tell of their miraculous healings, no more hiding His true identity! As He enters Jerusalem to accomplish His mission to die on the cross, He enters, riding on a donkey according to prophecy, to not only verify who He was but to provoke the people to make a decision about Him.

Jesus' Triumphal Entry

Dennis McCallum
Daniel 9:24-25

Jesus finally enters Jerusalem, days before he will go to the cross to pay for humanity's sin. The people of Jesus' time were expecting a conquering King Messiah to rule with authority, but Jesus' entrance was marked by humility by riding in on a donkey and weeping for the city that was about to take him to his death. Jesus' predicted death was foretold through a prophecy in Daniel 9. This teaching focuses intently on the prophecy from Daniel 9 concerning the time of Jesus' death. Jesus' life was the culmination of many fulfilled prophecies told in the Old Testament, and gives unique claims to who he is and why people should listen and ask for forgiveness through him.

The Prophetic Word

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 14:1-33

The interconnected community of Christian believers glorifies God the most when it's led by the Holy Spirit. Paul instructs the Corinthians on how they can build one another up through Spirit-led prophecy. When you commit to participating in this way, it combats pride and individualism, which are damaging to the interdependent Christian church.

A Mountaintop Experience

Scott Risley
Matthew 17:1-9

Initially, the disciples did not understand the significance of their mountaintop experience of witnessing Jesus' transfiguration, they later realized that Jesus fulfills and supersedes the Old Testament, that He is greater than Moses and Elijah. They learned that God is both transcendent and immanent. Peter, in his exuberance, wanted to build permanent shelters for Jesus, Moses and Elijah to live in that moment rather than enjoy the experience however fleeting it may be.

Things Old and New

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 13:24-50

Jesus reveals new information based on the fact that the Messiah would come twice. There are seven parables, each of which show an aspect of the kingdom, with some aspects being expected and some being different. Through the parables, we see that this kingdom age will partially fulfill Old Testament promises, infiltrate the current world system, and that God was willing to give His son up so that people could experience this new age before Jesus comes back to reign as King Messiah.