Armageddon & the Seven Bowl Judgments

Scott Risley
Revelation 14:1-16:21

There will be a time during the tribulation when the dead and alive will both either be punished or rewarded for their actions. The 7 bowls of judgement include: 1) sores, 2) sea turns into blood, 3) fresh water turns into blood, 4) scorching sun, 5) darkness, 6) gathering for war, 7) the final battle of Armageddon. In the battle of Armageddon, the Beast will flood into Jerusalem but God will ultimately be victorious and pour out his wrath.

The Dragon, the Woman & Her Child

Scott Risley
Revelation 12:1-18

We are currently in a battle between the dragon (Satan), the Woman (Israel), and her child (Jesus) that will come to a close after the tribulation. During this time, believing Jews will flee and be protected by God. We should be aware of the strategies Satan uses in this battle against us to be prepared. In the end, God will ultimately win this battle and the war at large. Which side will you be on?

God's Eternal Kingdom (Part 3)

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 3:17-19

The interior of the New Jerusalem contains a garden which symbolizes its restorative power. In the Garden of Eden, man first experienced theological, psychological, and ecological separation. This restoration with God, ourselves, and nature is provided only through Jesus' sacrificial death. Those who have received this gift should then tell others.

God's Eternal Kingdom (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 21:9-27

This passage on the New Jerusalem is mainly symbolic, but indicate literal truths about its glory. It will be populated by God's people, full of the beauty of perfect creation, full of human creativity, utterly secure, and pervaded by God's presence. Christians who focus on their inheritance in this kingdom will have greater resilience in adversity.

The Temple and the Two Witnesses

Scott Risley
Revelation 10:1-11:14

In the last days there will be a physical temple and two witnesses through which God will give a final plea to his creation as a whole to turn to him and receive forgiveness. These events are literal and we have current signs that could easily lead to the fulfillment of these prophecies.

God Seals His People

Scott Risley
Revelation 6:12-7:17

Before Christ returns to earth, there will be a seven year period of suffering called the Tribulation. Right before the suffering comes, God puts a seal of protection on his followers that are left after the rapture. God never breaks a promise and always takes care of his people.

God's Eternal Kingdom (Part 1)

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 25:6-9

The eternal kingdom of God will be a material place, will be primarily about relationships, and will be a place of healing. The main reason to believe that this will be a real place is because of God's flawless record of fulfilling his predictions. God says that entrance is absolutely free, and only requires asking God for the forgiveness purchased by Christ.

Breaking the Seals

Scott Risley
Revelation 6:1-16

The first six seals have been broken. These are events of God's passive judgement on mankind that lead up to the tribulation and set the stage for the rise of the Antichrist. The first six seals include: 1) the Antichrist (the white horseman), 2) warfare (the red horseman), 3) famine and inflation (the black horseman), 4) more famine, disease, and wild beasts (the green horseman) 5) martyrs in heaven, 6) massive earthquake, sun blackened out, stars falling, mountains and islands rearranging.

God Claims His Own

Dennis McCallum
Daniel 9

John's vision now delves into a description of "The Great Tribulation". This is a period of time between the first and second coming of Christ, but specifically a seven-year period of trial near the end. This vision needs careful dissection to understand the symbolism behind this tribulation, the Abomination of Desolation, and the regathering of Israel. Daniel 9 is used as a reference to help aid this.